Chapter 13

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Giyuu's POV

It's been four days since I rescued a girl from my mission. She's now invading my space.

"Tomioka-san, thank you for rescuing me. I won't forget this" she bowed to me. She always thanked me since yesterday, I told her it was nothing. I was about to walk away but she pulled my right arm.

"Ummm.... L-Lets go eat outside. This treat will be a gift of my gratitude" she said, lowering her head and nervous. Damn, this girl is strange.

"I told you it was nothing, there's no need to treat me just because I saved you. Why are you here anyway? Kochou told you to stay inside, right?" I gave her an intense glare.

"B-But" she's sobbing.

"I'm sorry to turn you down but I have a training with my apprentices" I walked away from her and head inside the estate. I called them because I have an announcement.

"Our training here in Butterfly Estate is done. We're moving to the next stage of our training" the three of them was confused and a little bit shocked at the same time.

"Our next destination for our training is Mt. Sagiri. Urokodaki-sensei agreed to help me train you and I have to train myself as well too. I hope you're ready" I heard Zenitsu gulp, judging by his face, he's nervous.

"There is only one goal in our training. Master your breathing forms and make new forms on your own. But before we go to Mt. Sagiri, we should head to the sword smith's village first"

"Why is that, Giyuu-san?" Tanjiro curiously asked me.

I leaned in and whisper "It's better not to tell it here because someone might hear us". "Prepare yourselves, I'm going to tell Kochou that we're leaving" I added.

The three just nodded in unison.

"Today, Urokodaki-sensei will come here" Tanjiro was surprised, Zenitsu and Inosuke was wondering.

"While waiting for him, we should start our last training here, now get your wooden swords" I commanded them. They stood up immediately, ran to the place where the wooden swords hidden. They prepared their stances in front of me. They're so determined to get stronger, even though Inosuke wears his mask, I can tell thay he's determined too.

"I'll pair myself with Tanjiro. Zenitsu I'll pair you with Inosuke. Let's start"

We begin our last training in this place. I'm impressed that Tanjiro has gotten stronger, the same with the two. Attacking, dodging and defending.

30 minutes has passed, we stopped and take a rest. We're so exhausted and tired. When I feel sensei's presence I stood up immediately. He was there with Kochou, watching. Tanjiro ran to him and gave him a hug.

"What's with the long nose?" Inosuke asked while pointing at sensei.

"Idiot, that's a goblin mask" Zenitsu said.

"Long Nose, I challenge you to fight me" I smack his head but that didn't stop him from challenging sensei. I shot him my deadliest glare and he stopped. Sensei came to me. I put aside my wooden sword and bow downed to him, resting my right arm at my right knee.

"Long time no see, Giyuu my child" his deep old voice gives me chills.

"It's great to see you in such a good health, sensei" I spoke those words softly. I respected him just like I respected Master Kagaya. I treated him like a father too. Me and Sabito really loved him for being a caring and strict teacher. He patted my head.

"I'm glad that you're okay, Giyuu" he said softly. I stood up and faced him. "Oh, by the way, I brought a rope just like what you wanted" he gave me the rope I requested. I shot a glare to Inosuke, he just froze in his place.

We sat down on the floor and start introducing themselves.

"I am Sakonji Urokodaki, I am the former Water Pillar and your teacher of this training. Tell me your name and your breathing style" he said and faced Zenitsu and Inosuke.

"I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu, I used Thunder Breathing"

"I'm the Lord of the Mountains, Hashibira Inosuke and I used Beast Breathing, its good to see you, Long Nose Purokaki" he said proudly.

"I apologise for him being like that, sensei. He has a hard time of pronouncing name since he can't read or write. His attitude is already like that, sensei" I said respectfully.

"Is that so? I have no problem with that" he said. Suddenly, Kochou brought us a cup of tea.

"This generation sure is lucky. When I was your age, were having a hard time waiting for a doctor to come" he said and sipped his tea. "You should be grateful at the Lady of this mansion. So I thank you for being there for us, Kochou-sama" he said.

"It's my job to take care of all of us and You're welcome, Urokodaki-san" she smiled and bowed to him. When I glanced at her, our eyes met. I just give her my soft smile, she was surprised and blushing then she turned away.

"And so, we're leaving" sensei said.

When we reached the gate, they bid their goodbyes to the girls. I went to Kochou, pulling the flowers out of my haori and giving it to her. I saw her eyes widened then she looked at me straight to my eyes. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were pink. What an adorable little insect.

"What are these for, Tomioka-san?" she asked me.

"This is a uuhhh... A gift of my gratitude" I said, in a monotone voice.

She chuckled softly, "For what? The salmon daikon I made for you? Oh my, you're welcome, Tomioka-san" she said sweetly. My heart is going to burst because of her. She hold the flowers closer to her chest. I can feel the heat on my cheeks while staring at her.

"Ahem" I heard sensei faked a cough. "We should go" he added.

I bid my goodbye to Kochou. She just waved at me, keeping her smile. Then, I feel that someone was staring at me. I keep looking around but I see no one. I just shrugged it off and continue walking.

I can feel that danger is coming.

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