Chapter 16

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Narrator's POV

"HAHA!! INTERESTING, INTERESTING" Sano exclaimed while attacking Giyuu. "I didn't know that his student can be this powerful" Sano happily murmured. Meanwhile, Giyuu maintains his unreadable expression while fighting him.

"Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin" unfortunately, Sano missed his attack. He smirked.

"Blood Demon Art: Poisonous Nails" his nails grew longer and a poison liquid dripping to the ground. He charge unto Giyuu and was about to scratch his face but Giyuu react quickly and slashed his hand filled with poisons. He backed away, put his sword back and healed his hand.

Giyuu was already exhausted, Hikari escaped. He looked at his crow, requesting for back up.

"Blood Demon Art: Crimson Claws" his nails turned red and its blood was dripping from his hand. He charged unto Giyuu and he successfully scratched his right arm. Giyuu flinched and backed away. The wound was deep and he was aware that he got poisoned.

"I will not kill you today but soon" he evily smirked and vanished. Giyuu was only scratched, that fight was intense yet he wasn't hurt that much. It was almost dawn, Giyuu just sat, waiting for kakushis. His body started to ache, his vision were blurry and he can't think very well.

'Kochou, Kochou' he called her name inside his mind. He can't utter her name. He looked at the sky checking if the sun rises unfortunately, it was still dawn. Suddenly, his vision went black and he passed out.

He ran through the crowd trying to find his sister.

'Nee-san' he looked around but the presence of his sister was nowhere to be seen. He was panting and begging for an air to breathe. Then, a loud voice caught his attention. He went there to check it out, his eyed widened when he found a girl in a pink kimono attacked by a dog. He picked a rock and threw it to the dog.

'Hey, get out of here' still throwing rocks at the dog and fortunately, the dog ran away from them. The girl still cried on the corner. He went to the girl and checks if she's alright.

'Hey, are you ok?' she looked up, tears are still on the corner of her eyes. His eyes widened when he stare at her purple orbs, his heart started to beat fast.

'Beautiful' was the only word that in his mind. Then suddenly, he felt that his kimono was bitten, he looked behind and saw a dog. They started to scream that made people startled. The two of them ran faster as they could as the dog chase them. He suddenly hold her hand while looking forward. They turned to the left way where there is people and successfully escaped from the dog.

She looked at him and said, 'Why did you run? Are you scared of it too? Aren't you a man?' she was mad at him.

'But the important is that we escaped, right?' he said with his sincere look in his deep blue orbs. She just looked at him, still mad.

'Hey, don't be mad. Calm down. Are you lost?' he asked.

'Yeah, I can't enjoy the festival since I lost my sister because of too many people' she pouted.

'Hey, same here. But we can still enjoy the festival together. Just the two of us' he hold both of her hands. Now her hands were covered by his.

'Just you and me' he gave her his soft genuine smile.

She was surprised at his sudden gesture. They just met and he was acting like they known each other for years. The heat reaches her cheeks and she just nodded at him. Agreeing. They walk through the festival, holding each others hand. Laughing, eating and talking was all they do.

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