Chapter 1

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"Hey Kade, can you come help me?" I walked over to my co-worker to see what was wrong.

"Ah I see. Just click this button right here and... Yup, there it goes. It's an easy fix, so just ask me if you need help again," I said to Jackson, a new intern.

"Ooh ok. Thanks so much." He smiled up at me brightly with a little hint of a weird shimmer in his eyes. I nodded my head and walked to my office. He kinda makes me uncomfortable, but since he's the new intern, I'll have to deal with it.

I've worked at R Industries for about 2 years now and managed to climb the rank. It is a little difficult, but it's nothing I can't manage. But it's mostly because my bestie, Kora, gets me through the day.

In fact, we was supposed to go to this famous club tonight to let off a little steam. But of course I didn't agree without a fight. It just wasn't like me to spend a night out in a club, especially by myself. I shivered at the thought.

'Knock, knock'

"Yes? Come in."

"Hey Kade! I'm clocking out for the day. Make sure you go home soon and get some rest. Don't want you even more overworked." Jade, my co-worker, said with a brightly lit smile one her face. She was always the nicest one to me, but little did she know, I wasn't gonna get the much needed rest.

"Ok thanks," I said "You get some rest too, don't wanna be late again!" I laughed at the thought of just how many times she's been late in the one and only year she's been working here.

"I won't, I swear!" I heard her say, walking down the hall with mischief in her voice.

I packed up my stuff and went home. There was still 20 minutes before Kora can back home, so I reluctantly decided to pick out what I was gonna wear to the club.

I picked out a black dress shirt with my favorite black, ripped jeans that fit me very well. And of course favorite silver ring that went along very nicely with my outfit.

"Kade? I'm home, I hope you haven't forgotten about our plans tonight cuz I'm dragging you there either way!", she shouted. Damn her and that loud mouth.

Rolling my eyes, I walked out to the living room. "No I haven't forgotten and I'm actually just about ready to go. The real problem is you being so loud, missy."

"Oh no you didn't," she said with a playful tone. She rushed over to me with a fist up in the air. We ended up in another one of our little fights. Ultimately, she ended up pinning me to the ground again.

"I'm sorry," I choked out, "I'll try not to say anything about your loud mouth again" It always ended up like this, but one day I'll have her ass on the floor.

"Now that's what I like to hear," she said, beginning to standing up. "Now let's get ready for the time of your life!" She smiled with bright eyes, but I could tell she was mocking me because I didn't get out much.


"Wow" I said, breathless. I never imagined a club would be this amazing. And huge. "I don't think I'm up for this after all."

Kora shrugged. "I told you we were going to a club. And this is one of them I haven't had the chance to visit. Are you really going to make me go in there by myself?" She said, her eyes teasing me.

"No," I sighed. Things always go her way, no matter the situation.

She smiled slyly. "Then let's get going, Kadey!" She said as she hopped out the car.

Lord, I hope this night goes well.

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