Chapter 4

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Zane POV

I was making my routine check around the club with my sister when I saw 2 people that I hadn't seen before walk in. Not that new people didn't come in every day. It's just that one of them looked nervous just to be in a place like this.

He did very much catch my eye though. He looked very decent and covered up, unlike what some of the other subs were wearing. He had this air around him that makes you feel like taking care of him.

I watched as they went over and ordered some drinks from the bar. I glanced over at my sister only to notice she was staring at the pair as well. Although, she was probably only looking at the woman who was nicely dressed.

She had that look in her eyes again. I could just tell she was about to do something crazy.

I kept walking and pulled her with me. "Not tonight, Valeria." I really didn't feel like putting up with her bullshit tonight.

"Aww, come on! But she's fucking fineee! And I can make my own decisions, thank you very much," She pleaded spitefully, but I honestly didn't care. I mean, as long as she cleaned her messes up, it was none of my business.

"Then it's whatever. Just don't cause a ruckus this time. But before you play your little game, let's do what we came to do first." We headed upstairs to the VIP floor, where BDSM scenes were going on.

I was well inversed in BDSM and it was our family lifestyle. Our parents, believe it or not, taught us around the age of 16. My sister, Valeria, and I were both Dominants. Val and I decided to form a club where people could express their lifestyle, or just come and have fun, which was the purpose for the first floor.

"Hey man, what took you so long?" Randy, my best friend, said. His sub standing behind him.

"Val. I had to drag her ass up here," I said as we sat down at one of the many tables.

"Ohh, up to another one of your games huh?" He asked Val.

"Oh please. I saw Zane looking at one of them too. Anyways, let's talk about what kind of theme we're going to do next weekend." She said as she glared at me. I still didn't care.


We went down the stairs after we finished our conversation, to find the pair we saw earlier dancing. One of them stopped and went to the bar.

"I'll see you later, Zane," Val said as she walked in the direction of the bar. I knew exactly what she was doing.

"Don't do anything stupid!" I yelled.

"When do I ever?" She retorted. As she walked off, I kept my eyes on the boy who was still dancing. He looked like he was so immersed in dancing that he didn't even see when my sister took the other one away.

He was dancing so sensually that it surprisingly made my dick hard. I felt the need for him to be mine. I wanted to hold him and for him to be mine alone. I don't think I've felt this kind of need before.

I was walking over to him when another guy walked up to him. I recognized him immediately. He was known for treating his subs harshly. I know I kicked him out before, so how was he in my goddamn club? The boy didn't even look like he knew about BDSM. The man grabbed his arm and the boy looked so scared.

It set me the fuck off. "I suggest you keep your hands off him," I said as I tore his hands off the boy's arm. "He's mine."

Recognizing my face, he ran off. I looked down at the boy as he suddenly fainted.

Well shit.


I laid him down on my bed and he turned over to get comfortable. He was so cute when he slept. Cute? Never in my life did I think I would call someone cute, but he truly was.

'Buzz buzz' Sam, my secretary of sorts, was calling.

"Hello, boss."

"Did you find what I asked?" I said, ignoring the greetings.

"Yes, I did. His name is Kade Lovell, he's 23 years old and..." He hesitated.

"And what? Spit it out." I said annoyingly. He was always like this. He could find information fast but could barely communicate.

"And he works at your company, Sir. He's the manager of the Software Engineering Department." He told me some other stuff that wasn't really important, but I was mainly focused on the first part. How was he that close to me and I hadn't even noticed him?

I hung up the phone when he was done and called Val. And, of course, she didn't pick up. She was probably out with that girl doing who knows what.

I went into the bathroom to clean myself up and laid in the bed with the adorable boy called Kade.

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