Chapter 12

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I woke up with a tremendous ache in my lower back and feeling him still inside of me.

Last night was positively amazing. I had a feeling he was holding back, but the sex was great nonetheless. Of all the sex I’ve had in the past couple years, it couldn’t get better than that. I wanted him inside me and he gave me just that, in fact, he was still there.

I tried to slip out and just when I got close to feeling myself, I felt his hands grabbing my hips and jerking himself back into me. I grunted lowly from the stimulation and felt him pressing up against my back. “Go back to sleep, Love,” he whispered in a deep, throaty voice. It sent goosebumps through my body and he wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and held them there.

I noticed the sun hadn’t risen yet so I took his advice and fell back asleep. I had work tomorrow/today. I couldn’t be late, it was only the beginning of the week. Though I could probably take a day off since I haven’t yet.


I gasped awake as I felt myself becoming empty. “It’s ok, Love,” he said soothing me. “Let’s go get washed up.” He got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I heard water start running and he came back into the room. He picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way to the tub as I blushed in his arms. No one’s ever picked me up like this before so I felt a little embarrassed.

He sat me down into the warm, citrus-scented water. It felt great against my aching back and ass. I almost melted in delight before he climbed in with me, sitting himself behind me. “Are you ok, love? I hope last night wasn’t too much for you,” he said as I leaned back against his god-like chest.

“I’m fine. Actually, you could’ve given me more,” I said tauntingly as I looked up at him, my lips spread into a sly smile as I wriggled my ass between his legs. I wonder if I could shake him a little from his always composed state.

“I wouldn’t advise doing that,” he said as he grabbed my hips and planted them firmly. “I won’t hesitate to fuck you in this tub.” I shivered at just the thought of it and he noticed. “Let’s hurry up and get cleaned before I do something irrational,” he said as he scrubbed my body with a loofa.

We finished bathing and put on some clothes. He gave me another shirt that was still too big for me and some drawstring shorts. They were still big, but at least I had something on. I guess he didn’t want to be tempted by me, ha.

We walk down the stairs and smell delicious food. Jenny was in the kitchen finishing cooking. She looked over at us and a bright smile lit her face. “Hey, sweetie!” She said as she put a pan in the sink and rushed over to me. “How are you? Is Zane treating you right? I cooked some breakfast for you both so come and sit down.”

I couldn’t even answer her questions because she was pushing us over to the kitchen bar and made us sit on the comfy stool chairs.

I watched as she brought the food over to us. There were eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes, and some kind of buttery bread. She piled the plates high with so much food and I knew I couldn’t eat all of it. I took the plate gratefully and without fuss because I could tell she couldn’t be one to argue with. “Thank you,” I said sweetly. “Awww. Your welcome sweetie,” she said as she looked about to cry tears of joy.

“Why don’t you do that when I say thank you?” Zane asked as he rolled her eyes at how extra she was being. “Because you rarely do. Besides, you’re not all that cute when you’re eating,” she snapped back, changing her attitude fast. “Whatever,” Zane said as he picked up his fork and started eating. I did the same and chewed with amazement.

“Omg, Jenny, the food’s A-MA-ZING! Your cooking is the best I’ve ever had! You have to teach me some pointers next time!” I said excitedly. “Aw thanks sweetie. And I sure will! Whenever you come back, I’ll teach you. Now, eat up. I’ll see you later.” She said with an even bigger smile on her face. She walked down a hall and left us alone.

I started eating again and looked over at Zane to find he was looking at me with happiness in his eyes and a slight smile on his face.

We finished all that we could eat and moved to sit in the living room.

We chatted about different things until I realized we had to be sitting there for about 20 minutes. I pulled out my phone to see it was 10:00. “Oh, crap. I’m late to work,” I said hopping up. He pulled me back down just as fast, into his lap. “No you’re not. I took the day off for both of us,” he said in my ear with his deep voice. “Let’s spend the day together. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so let’s enjoy today.”

I thought for a minute and decided I would. I wanted to spend more time with him anyways. It felt like it was too soon to leave him.

“Ok, sure,” I said happily. “But was there anything you wanted to do? I don’t really have anything in mind.”

“I have a couple things planned, but no much. So whatever you want to do in between, we can,” he said thoughtfully.

“Then I know our first stop,” I said, getting excited for the day I’ll spend together with Zane.

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