chapter 38

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We said our goodbyes to Danny who seemed sad to see me go, even though the day was soon coming to an end. We walked to our respective cars and gave a final wave to each other. Zane held me close for the entire ride. He was silent, but comforting me with his presence. He was quiet as he tightened his arms around my waist, making me relax more into him and become overwhelmed with his scent.

I liked this feeling, being comforted by him in silence. It brought peace and it helped me think and clear my mind. I would've loved this feeling even more if I knew he wouldn't eventually ask me about my reaction earlier when we got home. Even so, I knew he wouldn't rush me. I would tell him though, it's best if we got through this together. Whatever this may be.

We arrived home and he immediately lifted me into his arms, hugging me tight while carrying us up the stairs. I melted into comfort as I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you, Zane," I whispered lowly in his ear, meaning every word of it. "You've become my rock- no, my mountain. I don't know if I'd ever find high ground without you." We were right in front of the bedroom door, but he paused before he entered and looked in my eyes.

"I love you too, Kade. I always will. You mean the world to me and I'd do anything for you. There's no other like you, Love," he said honestly. My heart beat twice as fast from his confession as a light pink tinted my face and a small smile formed. He always managed to wake the butterflies in me. I kissed him with all the emotion I had stored for him and pulled away.

He smiled his signature smile and I just gazed at him as he opened the door and guided us to the bed. He sat me down and went to get clothes to change into. I pouted at the loss of his everlasting comfort, but he returned back, like I knew he always would. He took our clothes off and dressed me in one of his shirts that was way too big for me while he dressed in thin flannel pants. "Should we order something or ask Jenny to cook for us?" he asked and I pondered.

"I'm in the mood for pasta. Let's ask her to make some," I said. "Sounds good, I'll call her," he picked up his phone and I looked at him curiously. "Why do you always call her when you could just go downstairs?" I asked.

He looked surprised, like that was an obvious and scary thought at first, then his face relaxed and he had a wry smile. "I'm not going near her room if I can help it. You might not expect it, but that lady does weird things when she's alone. I'd rather you stay away too, would want you to get traumatized," he puffed out while finding her number in his phone, not joking one bit with that last bit.

"Um, ok," I responded. I understood what he meant, but I couldn't think of what Jenny could do to get that kind of reaction out of Zane of all people. He called Jenny and told her what we wanted. She said she'd have it done by 7, so it was about 30 minutes from now. I would've helped cook, but I really just wanted to be with Zane at the moment. I told him about everything Danny and I talked about while we waited for dinner to be finished. I even told him that I'd put his creepy tendencies behind me, if he completely stopped of course, and Danny quickly agreed to that.

Zane made a face at that and he was clearly thinking about something else, but I had no time to ponder because Jenny told us dinner was done and I couldn't hide my excitement to eat more of her cooking. I could literally smell the amazing aroma and I couldn't wait. I walked to the kitchen, hand-in-hand with Zane and took a seat. "Thanks for cooking, Jenny," I said.

"Of course! Now eat up," she smiled. She didn't have to tell me twice. I took a bite of the appealing alfredo and it was mouthwatering goodness.

"Mmmmm, this is so good, Jenny. Just know I'm gonna steal your recipe later," I joked. I really would though.

"You won't have to. I'll gladly teach it to you," she said as she started to clean the dishes she used. We all talked and ate until we were finished and went back to our rooms. 

It was getting late so we just snuggled in bed. My head was in his chest and I could hear the soft thumping of his heart. It was calm and peaceful, especially with his comforting arms around me. I let out a small sigh.

“I got really scared and anxious.” Zane tensed a bit at my sudden speech but relaxed and held me tighter. “My mind kinda just froze and all I could think of was when he came up behind me and hit me. I know… I know nothing was gonna happen, but I just couldn’t help but react that way. I calmed down as soon as I saw it was you, but my mind was still kinda frantic and I think I’m still haunted by the memories of what happened, even though it wasn’t a big deal or anything,” I sniffled, on the verge of crying.

He pulled me on top of him so he could lock eyes and hold my face in his warm palm. I leaned into the touch as he said, “I understand, Love. And this was a big deal. Don’t think it wasn’t. Things like this can affect people in many ways, so don’t feel bad about what you’re truly feeling. I’m here for anything you need or want. I’ll help you overcome this, together. It’ll be ok,” he assured. I couldn’t help but smile and believe his soothing words. A small tear escaped my eyes and he wiped it away, just as he did with all my worries.

I let out a relieved sigh and moved forward to kiss him. It was deep and emotional, revealing everything. He was so comforting, everything about him was. He put me at ease with just a couple words. Accepted me without hesitation. Made me his. Loved me.

But he was mine too. I knew I would have him forever. I loved him immensely as well. I’d never felt like this before. He was the only. The one and only.

I wanted more of him, even if I had all of him already. I was greedy, yes. But I didn’t care. I kissed him more, harder. Put my hands on his bare chest. Rubbed myself against him. I wanted him to take me, all of me. The night wouldn’t end like it did this morning, that’s for sure.

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