Chapter 6

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I woke up with a smile as the bright warm sun hit my face. Today felt like a good day. I turned off my alarm and stretched.

It was Monday, so I had to go back to work but I felt like I couldn't be stressed at all! I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. I put on black pants and a dark blue button-up shirt, along with the silver ring I always wore.

I still had about 10 minutes left before I had to drive, so I fixed some toast with jam. I made some for Kora who wouldn't be up for another 30 minutes. I grabbed my bag and keys and happily skipped out the door.

I arrived to work on time with a bit to spare, which only added to my excitement for the day. I sat down in my office and began my work which seemed easier today.

'Knock, knock'

"Come in," I say as I looked up to see Jackson, standing there smiling. He still made me uncomfortable.

"Hey there! I just came to check on a few things right quick," he said, sitting down and spreading out papers on my desk. He sure did know how to make himself comfortable in my own office.

"You know, you can just go to the team leader with that stuff. I have other things to work on at the moment, so while I do love helping my subordinates, please take this to Jade. As the regional manager, I have other responsibilities I have to fulfill," I said gingerly, trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.

He looked at me like I had said something utterly ridiculous. Like I had betrayed him or something. "I see. I'll just take my stuff and go then," he told me, anger evident in his voice as he packed up and left.

I'm don't know why the hell he reacted like that. He'd only just came in a week ago. Was it something I did or implied? No, I don't think it was. I act the same with everyone. I'm always kind and considerate, plus I had learned what was and wasn't my fault by now.

I decided to disregard what had just happened, but it was still in the back of my mind. I would let this bring my spirits down. Besides, I really did have my own work to do that had to be turned in today. So that's what I did, and I got a good load of it done before I heard yet another knock on my door.

"Yes? Come in," I said, seeing the General Manager, aka my boss, come in my office. I was really surprised to see him come in here, especially on a Monday. He didn't come in here often.

"How are you today? Anything to note?" He asked. "I'm doing fine so far. I've been having a pretty good day, Carl," I told him, wondering why he was asking me these kinds of questions. I mean, don't get me wrong he was a nice guy in my 3 months as a regional manager, but he was usually focused on work.

"Ok. Well since you look sure about that, I guess it can't be anything too bad," he sad with a sigh. What the hell is he talking about? "Anyway, the reason I came in here is because the boss wants to see you."

Huh? The boss? He means his boss? The CEO?? Oh hell. Oh shit. What the fuck did I do this time?! Did I really do something wrong with Jackson earlier? Is that why he gave me that look? A million things raced in my mind when I finally heard Carl call my name.

"He said he wants to see you now, but it's close to clock out time so you can just leave after your discussion with him," he said turning around to open the door. "Good luck," he added before closing the door. Did he really have to say that last part?!

I took a few deep breaths before I opened my door to head to the top floor. I walked into the elevator as Jade was getting out.

"Hey, Kade! Are you alright? You look a little nervous," she asked. Nervous? Oh crap, I can't look nervous in front of the big boss!

"Yea, I'm fine. Just heading upstairs to see to some work," I told her trying to keep a smile on my face. "Ok, have a good rest of your day then!" She said happily as she walked away. I wish I could have a "good rest of my day", but it was definitely spoiled by this sudden call to the boss's office.

When I finally reached his office, one of his secretary's told me to 'go ahead in'. I paused before I slowly opened the door.

I had my eyes locked onto the ground as I came in. "You wanted to see me, Sir?" I managed to squeak out when neither of us said anything for a bit.

"Yes, I did," he said. I froze. I hadn't seen or heard of the CEO's face or voice, so why did it sound familiar? I mean I could've looked up what he looked like, but it never came to me to do so because I wasn't really all that interested.

I looked up slightly to see his face and my eyes widened at the most definitely familiar man. He had those same, overbearing eyes that looked into mine. It was the guy from the other night.

"yes,i did, love," a deep voice said

Holy shit.

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