Chapter 5

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I opened the door to my apartment to find Kora pacing around. When she saw me come in her eyes flooded with relief and anger.

"Where did you go last night? I was so worried! I came back and you were gone, so I thought someone kidnapped you or something! I-, I was s-,so-" She cried with tears streaming down her face.

"Stop that, I'm right here," I told her calmly, trying to get her settled down.

"Where were you anyway? I know I told you to stay where I left you," she said like she was my mother. Now I was starting to get upset with her. Nothing would've happened if she came back when she was supposed to. If she brought the drinks back and continued dancing. This was supposed to be a fun night for both of us, together. But no, she left and went who knows where and left me to fend for myself.

"Kora." I called, trying to keep my anger down. "I know what you said, and that's just what I did. But something happened and you weren't there. You weren't there when I needed you, so where were you?" I asked defiantly. I didn't really care what she did, but last night was supposed to be us hanging out together and I didn't like how she just left me alone and didnt care to tell me at all.

"I-, I was..." she looked around dejectedly. "I only went to the bathroom," she quietly said, not looking into my eyes. I could tell she was lying, and it was... unusual. We never told each other lies, so for her to now was surprising. I was angry at her, but I knew she would tell me if something was wrong. I'd just have to wait until she was ready to tell me whatever the hell she was doing last night that she had to lie about it.

"Yea whatever, tell me what really happened soon. I don't like being in the dark about things," I looked at her sternly before she gazed at the floor.

"I know, and I'm sorry," she said lowly. "But what happened last night with you? I waited for you, but you never came back so I got worried," she asked questionably with a tinge of guilt in her eyes.

I told her all about what happened and how the man with lovely grey eyes saved me from a potential harmful situation. And, of course, how I woke up in the same bed as him. I didn't add that he had kissed me.

"What! Do you feel weird? Does your butt hurt? Did he do anything to you?!" She said frantically, overreacting again.

"No, he didn't. He was actually kind of... sweet," I said as I smiled a little. The way he kissed me was still prominent in my mind. I don't think I'll ever forget it. It almost made me cry because I had never been kissed so lovingly.

Kora noticed something was up and stared at me expectantly. She had that look on her face and I knew I was going to end up telling her the last bit. She always got what she wanted anyway.

"He also kissed me," I said quietly. She looked at me suspiciously.

"And did you like it?" She asked. Now she's straight up teasing me.

"Yea, kinda. It was... different. Different than the others," I said, reminiscing about the past.

"Well I hope it was. I'm glad you finally found someone you like. I hope you have a good future with him," she said jokingly.

"Ha, I don't even know his name, Kora. We'll probably never see each other again. Although, he did say something when I was leaving," I said, getting quiet toward the end.

"You like him," she told me with a straight face. What?? I barely knew the man! He was visually attractive, but a lot of men were. But those eyes, not many had those.

"No. I don't, Kora," I said sternly. She knew how I felt about relationships. I still wasn't ready. Not yet.

"Ok. Believe what you want, Kadey!" She exclaimed as she hopped out her chair. "Now, let's find something to eat! I'm starvingg."


I tried to go to sleep later on that night, but I kept thinking about deep grey eyes. His grey eyes. The ones that looked into mine so deeply. And the lips that kissed me so passionately I felt like falling to my knees. Soon, I started drifting off to sleep, dreaming of him.

Those Dominant Eyes Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz