Chapter 31

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Zane POV

I woke up with Kade snuggled deep in my chest and his arms clutched around me like he was holding on for dear life and didn't wanna let go.

I laid there with him for a bit, acknowledging all of his features on his attractive body. I lightly kissed his lips that held the secret to his thoughts. I knew something was wrong last night after we got home and he didn't want to tell me.

I didn't know exactly what he was thinking but I caught a glimpse of it in his eyes. Regret, fear, and maybe even a bit of resentment but for what I couldn't fully comprehend. I didn't want to pressure him though, especially after what happened, so I'd just give him time to come to me on his own time. I'd show him with my actions that nothing like this would ever happens again, and it definitely won't.

Now I would be sure to keep all unfamiliar and untrustable people away from my Love. Of course, I wouldn't stop him making new friends, but I would keep a very close eye on them. No one is out of reach from me. No one would get past me without through searches in every way.

Though, Danny was a little different... I had wanted to keep him far, far away from my Love, but that was kinda difficult when I noticed that Kade wanted them to talk even before we argued last night.

Though I wasn't all opposed to it. We had talked in the car while going to the cabin and it seemed like he had a plausible explanation, although I wasn't sure how much I believed it. It didn't seem true, but then again it really could've been. But if Kade wanted to know, then I wouldn't stop him.

I unhooked his arms from around me and slowly got up from the bed without making noise and walked into the bathroom to shower. It didn't take long for me to finish and Kade was still sleep when I got back, so I went downstairs.

I had to make sure he has something to eat when he woke, but I couldn't cook for shut and I wouldn't let Kade do that right now. Even if he wanted to. He needs rest.

I walked into the kitchen to see food already there, although it wasn't breakfast and it seemed to be sitting out for quite some time. Ahh, that's right. Kade was cooking dinner last night, instead of Jenny. I was upset that's didn't even get to have dinner together, but more at the fact that a certain someone blocked us from achieving it. He would surely be dealt with, even if he thought for a second he got away.

Speaking of Jenny, where was she? She was usually awake by now and cooking. I thought for a bit, then finally remembered that today was her day off. Well, that's too bad. She's gonna have to cook anyway.

Instead of going to her room, which was on the other side of the house on the first floor, I called her. She had a tendency of... "weird" hobbies, so after a bit of light trauma, I started to call instead...

"Hello," she answered the phone in a groggy voice, probably just waking up.

"Hey. Can you come to the kitchen and cook breakfast?" I asked, but it sounded more like an order.

"Zane? Today is my only day off, you know. Doesn't Kade usually cook anyways?" She said in her mothers tone.

"Well... Yea, but he's not in a position to do so now. Anyway, just come cook! I'll pay you." I said finally. I didn't know when he would wake up so I needed her to start now.

She went quiet then spoke up again. "Haa, fine. If only you could cook. But your food tastes like crap and I wouldn't want my lil Kade to eat it, so of course I'll cook."

She always came back with a snide comment like that, but it was true. I can't cook for shut.

"I remember when you tried cooking eggs for your mom, but they came out burnt." She laughed a bit.

I thought about the memory that happened so long ago I thought I forgot about it. I had given up on cooking altogether at that point. When my mom saw the disaster of a kitchen, she just smiled and laughed. Then we both started giggling and making fun of my cooking as we cleaned up. In the end, she told me it was ok that I couldn't cook because she would always be here to do it for me.

But that didn't happen to be the case.

"I'm sorry. I'll come over in a bit!" She apologized, from my lack of speech at the talk of my mother, before she hung up. But it was fine, my mother had passed when I was young, so I had long come to terms with it. Jenny and my mother were good friends and I knew she liked talking about her.

I walked back upstairs as my mission of breakfast was finished. Kade was still sleeping soundly, now holding one of my pillows against his beautiful face. I snuggled back in bed with him, removing the pillow from his grip and laying down beside him.

I may not have had my mom forever, but I would have Kade forever. And that'd be all I need.

He moved his arms so they were snaked around me again and buried his cute self in my body. I wrapped my arms softly around him and held him even closer to me.

"I love you, Kade. And I will never let you go, no matter what."

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