Chapter 17

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Zane POV

When he said he would be mine, it made my fucking heart explode. I was so wrapped up in his whole being that I almost for got what time it was. He was so addicting.

I had to pull him off of me so that we wouldn't miss our dinner reservation. I have to say, I liked it when he begged.

As of now, we had finally arrived to the restaurant. It was fancy, but it didn't have all that extra stuff like most do, which is why I like it. The Italian food they serve is very good as well.

I got out the car, and like always, went over to Kade's side to help him out. "Thanks," he said looking up at me smiling.

"Of course, Love." We walked hand in hand to the restaurant and came up to the front desk.

"Reservation for Reyes," I told the lady who was standing at the desk wearing an uniform.

"Please follow me," she said politely after checking us in and grabbing menus. We followed her to a booth near the back and sat down.

"Your waiter will be here in a moment," she said before leaving, putting down the menus, and going back. I looked over at Kade and saw he was looking at the interior.

"This place is nice and calm. It's kinda cozy actually," he said looking around.

"I agree," I said, still looking at his beautiful features. He looked back over to me, his deep brown eyes looking into mine. He blushed at that and I chuckled at how adorable he was.

A male waiter came up to our table and greeted us. "Hello, my name is Ben and I'll be your waiter for today! Anything you want to drink?" He asked with enthusiasm.

"I want a Strawberry sweet tea, please," Kade said happily.

"I'd like a regular sweet tea," I said. I didn't care much for sodas, and I liked sweeter things, so tea was my go to. I was surprised but glad that Kade seemed to think the same.

"Alrighty! I'll be back in a minute with your drinks," he said before walking off to the kitchen.

"He's pretty cheerful," Kade said.

"Yea," I agreed. But now that he was gone, it was time to talk about what I needed to with him. I was going to ask him if he would accept my bdsm lifestyle. I was getting nervous by the second. What if he didn't accept it?

"Do you have any favorite foods? What's good here?" He asked, looking at his menu.

"I usually get the Garlic Chicken & Shrimp Alfredo. Most of the pastas are good, one isn't all that good though," I said with expertise. I had frequented this place a lot and tried most of the food.

"Then I'll get what you're getting," he said smiling that brilliant smile of his.

Just then, Ben, the waiter, came back with our drinks and free bread. He placed everything on the table and asked us what we wanted to order. I told him what we wanted while Kade eyed the bread hungrily.

"I'll be back with your order soon," he smiled and walked off.

Kade grabbed a slice of bread from the basket and put some butter on it. He took a bite and practically moaned at how delicious it was. I admit it was good, but he tasted bette-Ahem.

"Kade," I said to take my mind off of the lingering thoughts. Now was as good as time as any. "I have something important to tell you, so please listen."

"What is it?" He questioned, looking at me curiously. 'Here it goes' I thought.

"Have you heard of bdsm?" I asked. His face flushed as he nodded.

"I know as much as Kora told me before," he paused, thinking about something. "Are you into that too?" He gasped a little as I nodded.

"I also live a bdsm lifestyle. And I'm a dom so I have to have control of my relationships," Isaiah clearly. "It means-" "Oh, I know that much. Years of living with Kora taught me that. And I already know you know Kora's secret, so what is it you have to tell me?"

Im glad he knows everything about it, but i didn't like that he was talking over me. But I'd let it go... for now. But still, I'm surprised he didn't know the question, with what I'd just told him.

"I want to live it together. Me and you. Now that I know your mine, I want to enter a deeper relationship," I said calmly.

"Oh," he exhaled a breath I didn't know he was holding. "I thought it was something... else. Can I have time to think?"

"Of course, Love. Just don't leave me waiting for long," I asked. I'm glad he's at least thinking about it. Even if he didn't want to, I'd still want to be in a normal relationship with him.

"Here are your orders!" Ben said, surprising both of us. We had been so conversed in each other, we hadn't noticed what was going on around us.

He set the fancy plates down in front of us and asked if we needed any refills on our drinks.

"No, we're good," I said.

"Alright then, just call me over when your ready for the check," he said disappearing again.

We turned back to each other at the same time and stared for a bit until Kade started giggling at the awkward situation. I started laughing too. The air was kinda tense before, but with Kade, it never lasted long.

He dug into his pasta and made the most satisfying expression ever. I knew it was good, but it was like he never had things like it before. I'd have to give it to him more, even if it's just to see him happy like this.

I started eating too, and before we knew it, we had finished our meals. I called Ben back over and paid for the bill. Of course, Kade tried to but I wouldn't let him.

"Have a nice a night!" Ben called as we got up and walked out. We walked over to the car as I unlocked it with the keys. I held the door open for him and closed it when he got inside. I got in on my side and turned the car on. I looked over at Kade's gorgeous face. He looked tired. We had done a lot today.

"You can take a nap, Love. It's a 25 minute drive, so I'll wake you up when we get there," I said as I pulled my jacket from the backseat. I laid it over top of him as he nodded in response.

I started driving as he curled up into my jacket. He looked so cute with my big jacket across his small frame. He went to sleep, and I kept driving, just thinking.

Before I knew it, we had arrived at his home. I shook him awake gently. He yawned and looked around with the cutest face ever as he sat up.

"I'm home. Guess Id better get going. Thanks for everything today, I had a great time spending the day with you," he said, putting his hand on the door handle. Before he could leave, I held his face and kissed him slowly. It sent noticeable shivers down his spine as I took control of the sweet kiss.

"I had an amazing time with you too," I said pulling away. He nodded dazedly and hesitantly got out the car. He rushed inside the complex, looking back at me a couple times.

'Tomorrow is another day, a long one at that," I thought as I tapped the steering wheel and drove off.

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