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Having been lost in the moment, she'd only now remembered that she was in his bed.

"I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep here on accident," she lied as she got up, slipping away from his gentle touch.

Walking around the bed to the other side, Rowan said something that surprised her, "I do not mind you keeping my bed warm."

His words were playful, his voice deep and his eyes never left her direction.

He lifted the covers and got in under them. "But I will also not make you sleep in it," he said laying his elbow over his eyes.

Mariann contemplated.

Was she getting herself into a difficult situation by sharing a bed with her master? Probably.

Could it send a wrong message?

Was this most likely the most comfortable she'd ever sleep?
Also yes.

Untying her cloak she chose comfort over intelligence. Making sure not to touch her master while creeping under the same sheets as him she stayed on the very outer side of the bed, curling up in the soft and warm embrace of the bed.

Too tired and too comfortable she ignored all thoughts that spoke against this decision.

Having felt and heard her getting in the same bed, Lord Rowan couldn't help but smile a little.

He could have sworn that she'd choose anywhere else to sleep but she didn't seize to surprise him.


Rowan never slept long and even though the morning sun was slowly creeping in through the window he'd awoken to Mariann's small figure in his arms.

He'd subconsciously wrapped his hand around her waist and under her neck in his sleep. Her gentle breaths calmed him and her very presence and warmth made him not want the moment to end.

He pulled her in closer for just a moment. A moment so pure and yet so exciting.

Tugging his head into the crook of her neck he relaxed in a way he hadn't in a long time, if ever before.

Only this moment, he thought. This was as far as he'd let it come, and no further. He did not have time for women or feelings, but this moment he would cherish.

Although every cell in his body wanted to stay like this forever he urged himself to get up and out of bed.

He was wasting his time, he thought as he got dressed again.

Taking one last time to look at Mariann who was still curled up on the sheets he woke her, with his husky voice, "Wake up, it is time for us to leave."

Still half asleep she sat up rubbing her eyes, unsure if she regretted having gotten into the bed last night.

She stepped out of it and put on her cloak running her fingers through her hair to untangle them.

Just then there was a silent and hesitant knock on the door.

Avoiding to look at Mariann Lord Rowan walked over and opened the door to find Laria and Alec waiting on the other side.

A LORD'S WEAKNESSWhere stories live. Discover now