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When Mariann awoke she looked out of the window to see the sun rising, and casting an orange light into the window of the Lords chamber.

Covered in a blanket she rubbed her head as she looked around. Damn it. She'd slept in and would probably get in trouble with the housekeeper. Sitting up was a challenge, as she still felt very weak.

The door opened as she slid her legs off the bedside.

"Look who is awake," Lord Rowan said mockingly. He sat by his desk glancing over his shoulder at her.

Mariann ignored his comment and tried to lift herself from the bed coming to a wobbly stand.

"Woah, where are you going?" Rowan asked getting up and walking over to her, never loosing his smirk.

"I have to get to work," she mumbled, pleased that she made it into a stance after having felt so bad last night.

"I think it's a little to late for that," Rowan chuckled gently pushing her back onto the edge of the bed.

Mariann frowned up at him wanting to throw back a comment when she realized, "don't tell me,"

"It's dusk." They said simultaneously.

Groaning Mariann leaned back onto the bed. "I'm going to get into so much trouble."

"No you won't, I told them that you are to stay in my sleeping chamber," Rowan said playfully, making Mariann sit upright.

"What? Isn't that too suspicious?"

To her surprise he leaned down and placed both of his arms on the bed left and right of her hip. Looking deeply into her eyes he smiled cheekily, "No, because they think we are fucking."

Marianns blood rushed to her head as she turned bright red, "You can't just say stuff like that."

Leaning back up he laughed at her flustered reaction, which only seemed to frustrate her more.

Amused he walked around the bed to a bedside table, "here's a change of clothes I have had someone fetch for you."

Mariann looked to the fabric on the table. There was no denying it, at this rate everyone will really think that they're laying with another. 

"And wash up, you smell," the Lord added making her glare at his stupid grin.

Taking the change of maids uniform she looked around the room to the tub of water with a wooden folding screen next to it. Using what little strength she had, she pulled it to block the Lords view while she would wash herself. She was still dazed and a little weak but it was nothing compared to yesterday. She was no longer nauseated and the room wasn't spinning.

The young Lord sat down by his desk again, looking down on the papers he still had to work through. Picking one up he began reading.

Moments later Mariann was still struggling with getting into her dress. Confused she tried figuring out why it's corset wouldn't sit right.

She realized that it had to be tied around the top of the back. Cursing it she knew she was going to have to ask Lord Rowan for help after having tried to tie it by herself for several minutes.

A LORD'S WEAKNESSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon