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Mariann heart seemed to beat with anger but she knew that getting into trouble would not only make her life but also that of Alec and Laria difficult.

She took a deep breath trying to calm the spark of rage that had almost erupted. "Listen, I ju-" Mariann was caught off guard when the manservant pushed her shoulder back roughly. Tripping over the bottom doorframe of the kitchen, Mariann fell backwards.

Landing on her bottom she looked up at the man who had stepped right in front of her, "You might think your special because you sell your body in exchange for avoiding doing any work, but you're n-"

Mariann lunged at his legs, yanking them so tightly that the servant lost his footing and fell backwards. From her seated position she climbed on top of him and threw her fist right at his visibly surprised face.

Her wall of patience and understanding has cracked and crumbled.

Although the servant was blocking her punches she continued bringing them down on him as her knuckles began hurting. She couldn't even hear the screams of the maid who was frantically panicking.

Mariann was sick and tired of people looking down on her. They mocked her and acted like her life was easy. If this man would have walked in her shoes for just one day maybe he'd understand.

All of her anger turned to anger turned to rage and rage turned to violence as she saw nothing but red.

Two rough, firm hands painfully lifted Mariann off of the servant and pushed her up and backwards making her land on the ground behind herself.

"ENOUGH!" The housekeeper who'd heard she maids shouts, pushed her yelled at Mariann.

Mariann glanced at the servant who's enraged and almost terrified facial expression could be seen as he sat back up.

Mariann panted, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"Get lost, slave!" The housekeeper shouted at her before turning to the stunned servant, "And you! It was only a matter of time before someone beats you for your attitude, Quentin! Now get the hell back to work!"

The servant had finally found his words, as he pointed to Mariann, "but she-"

"I SAID GET BACK TO WORK!" The housekeepers voice roared, making Quentin shoot Mariann one last glare before he came to a wobbly stance.

Mariann knew she'd messed up. Coming to a stance as well, she was still trying to catch her breath. "But we need something to eat," Mariann tried arguing although knowing that her chances were as good as none after what had just happened.

Turning back to her the housekeeper looked like he was about to strangle Mariann. "After all this mess?! Forget it!"

"I don't care about me!" She shouted without thinking, "but Laria is pregnant and Alec is a child! If you're crossed with me I understand, but they haven't done anything wrong!" Her words came out rushed and shakier than she wanted them too.

Inhaling slowly and angrily the housekeeper kept his eyes glued to her. He exhaled loudly before finally saying, "Fine! Send them here, but I swear if I see you one more time today,"

Mariann nodded hastily, saying "thank you," before hurrying back to the chamber to the others.

When she opened the door to the chamber Laria and Alec sat on their beds talking about something. Mariann face was still flushed, as she explained that the housekeeper told them to go to the kitchen.

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