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Hours had passed without any of them speaking. They'd walked far and Mariann's feet began hurting with every step, not to mention the pain in her arms.

Lord Rowan knew he wouldn't make it to his Manor before dark at this pace so he changed his course.

Walking over a fallow field they could see a few barns and village houses.

Mariann contemplated, asking her master what they were doing but decided against it, not wanting him to feel like she was undermining his authority again.

Approaching a small village they attacked the attention of a young farmer on a path near the first few houses.

Rowan began walking to the man who seemed nervous about the strangers. "Good day, I'm in search of someone to treat our wounds."

To blond farmers' eyes glanced at the sword on his belt, so the Lord added, "in return for pay of course."

"Alright," the stranger said cautiously, "I can take you to the barber."

Nodding they proceeded to follow the man past a barn and towards the middle of the tiny village. He glanced over his shoulder regularly making sure to keep a distance from the two.

Walking past a blacksmith Mariann noticed the two men standing there starring at them with furrowed brows. They were clearly to welcome here, she thought.

Coming to the center of the village there was a well where a woman had just pulled a bucket of water from. When she turned to see the farmer and the strangers coming her way, she hurried off with the heavy bucket, clearly panicked.

Walking past the well towards the village church they halted by a house, where the farmer knocked on the door before stepping into the dark room.

Mariann had a bad feeling about where this was going, but Rowan simply followed him inside so she did the same. Her eyes didn't adjust straight away but she could hear the farmer speaking to an unknown other male voice.

"Why did you bring them here?" The stranger hissed, as Mariann could finally make out a dark-haired middle-aged man.

The room seemed to be someone's home with only a table and a chair and an unlit fireplace, with closed doors leading to other rooms.

The homeowner turned to Lord Rowan and his slave. His dark eyes squinted at them before he spoke, "I will not treat strangers."

Rowan grit his teeth, thinking of arguing but the man continued, "We don't want any trouble, please leave."

Rowan thought about how he could prove who he was but decided against causing trouble and turned to leave when a heavily panting figure came running to the door.

The elder man looked up at Rowan scanning his face before speaking to the man who'd told him to leave, "You fools, I know this man."

Confused the farmer and the barber looked at the elder, who panted from having hurried here.

"He is Lord Rowan!"

Mariann watched the two surprised men look at each other.

"Are, are you sure of this, Elder Browl?" The barber asked.

A LORD'S WEAKNESSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora