Tribute Tower

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The second time in the capitol was no different from the first.

There were still crazy looking people pressing their colourful faces up to the train window when you arrived.

There were still squeals of excitement and disappointment as you stepped onto the platform.

There were still people who viewed you as little less than an object since you were from a district.

You had grown since the capitol had last seen you and you didn't have the advantage of looking young, cute and naive anymore.

Instead, you play it off friendly as you smear a smile onto your tired face.

Hardly anyone noticed the tear stains as you were transported into the building where you'd get your makeover.

You tried your best not to flinch as they waxed your legs and sorted you out.

Most of your stylists seemed happy to see you again, the others were sad that you might never get out of the arena but by now, they should've realised it was a mistake to get attached to any of the tributes.

When the prep team had finished with you, you looked far too clean to be you.

Your h/c hair fell neatly from your head and your eyes somehow looked alive again, it was enough to make you smile.

When they give you the thumbs up, you spring out of the prep area and decide to walk around the tribute tower.

It was exactly the same as five years ago except your train seemed to have arrived early so now it was spookily quiet.

Similar to how it was after you'd won.

Your mentor wanted you back for dinner but you had at least an hour to stroll around the tower and it's gardens.

Even though you might have to kill them eventually, you were quite excited to meet the other tributes and get to know the face behind the legends.

As you meander through the colourful capitol conifers, you notice two figures chatting in hushed voices on the other side of the yard.

You would've gone over and introduced yourself to them but since they seemed so secretive, you thought that maybe you should listen first and see if they were talking about anything interesting.

You creep forward, hiding yourself behind the odd crate or so.

"I honestly think this whole thing is a load of crap!"

The voice was instantly recognisable.

Johanna Mason.

District 7.

However, you couldn't recognise the male voice accompanying hers.

You step forwards, intrigued but also completely unaware that you had just knocked over a massive flowerpot.

"What was that?" The male voice asks.

You quickly spin behind a pink coloured tree, hiding your face in the many leaves.

"Why should we care-"

Johanna pauses mid sentence, you couldn't see her face but you knew she was staring right at you, or the odd looking tree with two human legs sticking out of it.

The victor scoffs menacingly, Johanna was by far the most scary person here.

"District 8.." Johanna mocks, you could hear her boots clopping towards you.

She slowly pulled the branches away from your eyes, now standing face to face with you.

She licked her lips before whispering,

"Y/n, Y/l/n."

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