The Roof

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That night, you couldn't sleep. Instead, you lay in your bed for what felt like hours, tossing and turning whilst the next day's torments twisted in your mind. At around midnight, you gave up and pulled yourself out of bed.

Carefully, you tiptoed through the stark corridors and up into the lobby where you found a lift up to the one place you knew the capitol wouldn't be watching: the roof.

You flung open the door and immediately felt the wind thrash against your face, reminding you of the hostile conditions you'd have to face the next day. You winced slightly, gritting your teeth and resting your back against the side wall, in shelter of the wind.

You thought for a moment, wondering if this was going to be your last night alive. You'd thought this specific thought so many times before all those years ago, back when you were twelve in that arena. That place you were going back into.

You squeezed your eyes tightly shut, wishing you could drown out the pain and get rid of the memories. Alcohol often worked for that... only when things got really bad. But there was no alcohol here. At least not for you.

Suddenly, you were broken from your train-of-thought as you heard a rapping on the metal door beside you. You quickly scrambled to your feet, suspecting it was an Avox coming to send you back to bed or worse, your mentor. However, when the door opened you were surprised to find it was Finnick.

"Couldn't sleep either?" You asked, smiling and lowering your guard.

He nodded, giving you a slightly weaker smile in return. You thought of asking him if he was okay, but you knew what the answer would be and you knew why... you were both stuck in this together and this time... this time the only way out would be in a coffin.

Neither of you decided to say anything. Instead, you just sat together in silence, simply enjoying each others company. You knew be the last time you'd be able to spend time with anyone else with your guard down. Even now, you couldn't let it down entirely.

Time passed and before you knew it, you were beginning to fall asleep. You rested your head on Finnick's shoulder whilst your eyelids drooped. It was then that he tried to speak.

"Did you get to know her well?"

You groggily raised your head, turning up to him with a puzzled expression on your face, "Who?"

"Annie." He looked dazed, "Annie Cresta. She was in your Hunger Games. You saved her."

Your face dropped at the memory of her. She was your only ally. Your friend. And sure, you saved her once but when that boy had that knife pressed against her throat, you couldn't save her again. She died and you didn't do anything. You couldn't. You didn't know. But that didn't stop you feeling guilty.

You nodded along with what Finnick said, "I knew her well enough, did you?"

Finnick nodded back. "Yeah... childhood friends."

You waited a moment, knowing that Finnick would have more to say. And he did.

"It's funny really. When we were growing up we already sort of knew we'd get married. We'd always play together, never spending a moment apart. I don't think I realised I cared for her until she got sent away. We were both so young and I didn't know... I didn't even get to tell her before she died. I hate myself for that." Finnick paused, "And then when I got put into the games the year after she died I told myself I'd win for her... and I did. But it didn't make me feel any better. It made me feel worse knowing what she went through... and your arena was awful. But you helped her... I can never really repay you for that."

You shook your head. "You don't owe me anything Finnick. Annie was a kind girl, she didn't deserve it. None of them did. None of us did. It's the capitol that did this, and when you're in the arena tomorrow... I think the best thing we can do is remember who the real enemy is...."

A/n- I know my story's written a bit shabbily but I hope that it's alright now. Let me know if you want me to continue any further.

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