Finnick and Johanna

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You shiver as the ferocious woman stares at you with a malevolent glint in her deep brown eyes.

Just staring at them made you wonder if she had ever loved before because her glare looked darker and more icy than a winters night.

As she looms over you, it seemed as if she was eying up her next meal, you could practically see the saliva drooling from her mouth.

You gulp, stepping away from the malicious victor.

"Johanna!" The male voice protrudes from the background, sounding as if he was telling her off.

Johanna snapped her head back around to the man.

His figure moved into your view and you could now recognise who he was.

It was Finnick Odair.

The second youngest tribute, second only to you.

He was from District 4. One of the three career districts.

There, they specialised in fishing which meant this victor was drilled in survival and especially dangerous with a pitchfork.

"Come on," Finnick throws his hands in the air, a little irritated by Johanna's rash behaviour, "you know she doesn't mean any harm. She's district eight. It's not like she's.."

He trailed off mid-sentence, as if he was about to say something that was completely forbidden.

"It's not like she's what?" You ask, making eye contact.

Before Finnick could answer Johanna cut in front of him and begins to rant on about how you were potentially a dangerous contestant because of how you won at such a young age and now that you'd had more years to improve physically, you were more of a threat.

"No," Finnick says seriously, sweeping back his blonde hair out from his eyes stressfully, "She.. She helped A-Annie."

"Oh not again." Johanna rolls her eyes and fold her arms, her dark braid swishing slightly in the wind.

"Annie?" You question, "Wait, do you mean Annie Cresta?"

Annie Cresta was the girl from District 4 in your Hunger Games.

You helped her along when she had her first mental breakdown by giving her a sip of your water and a fresh supply of fruit.

Sadly, you weren't there when the tribute from one took her down in attempt to threaten you but by the end it was clear that it was no threat to you.

It wasn't much but Finnick seems to appreciate it since he nods solemnly, giving you a weak smile.

"Well, I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow in the ceremony-" Johanna begins but you cut her off.

"Wait, stop a second." You order, asking them to be quiet because in the background you could hear an odd noise.

There it was, the capitol clock had hit seven, you could hear it's peculiar noise echoing around you.

"That's just the clock, no need to get all fussy!" Johanna mocks you.

"Yeah, but I have to go back for dinner, nice meeting you two." You hold out your hand to be shaken but only Finnick takes it.

You bid farewell to the two victors before striding along to the corridors.

You could've sworn you saw a bolt of lightning fork across the purple evening sky, illuminating the city with a pure white light when the last gong faded.

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