Last Day Alive

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Remember who the real enemy is.

Those six words seemed to be permanently stuck in your brain.

You thought of them as you made your way down from the roof. You thought of them as you climbed back into your bed. You thought of them as you drifted off. And you thought of them in the morning as you woke.

You slowly made you way to the breakfast table, the lack of sleep was clearly affecting you. You felt tired and achy. Not at all ready to face the killers in the arena. Still, you sat down and managed to fill your stomach until you were full. You'd need the energy.

It was funny thinking you were still seventeen; you felt so much older. You weren't even an adult yet you were willing to give your life for these two victors... hell, they weren't even any older than you. Now they were the symbols of rebellion, and the chances were you'd give your life away for them today.

There was no way of telling what the arena would look like, but from the suit you were provided with after breakfast, you could tell it had to be something to do with water.

There was a flotation belt wrapped around your waist and the material the clothes were made from was alike to a wetsuit or a swimming costume. It was lucky you learnt how to swim, you were sure some other victors would have no idea.

You said your goodbyes to your stylist, mentor and advisor. You doubted they'd miss you much, but your prep-team were brought to tears when you gave them their final hugs. You smiled encouragingly, telling you'd be back. But you both knew that wasn't going to happen.

As you climbed into your plastic tube, you contemplated who would probably win the games. I mean, Katniss and Peeta obviously had a good chance, especially with almost all the districts backing them... but often things changed in the arena. And you were sure they would this time.

You were deadly with your knives. But, if they weren't in the cornucopia, you'd be fucked. You were lucky you had so many allies already, but still, they'd be harder to kill later on in the game.

The tube slid shut and you stood alone on your platform, deciding not to worry about what could be and instead to think about what will be.

There were only 3 things for certain:

1. You were going to live for Katniss and Peeta
2. You were going to kill for Katniss and Peeta
3. You were going to die for Katniss and Peeta.

And then the tube started to rise, and you had no more time to think anymore. The games had begun.

A/n- I'm reading The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes right now and I'm telling you it's amazing honestly way better than I expected.

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