The Forcefield

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A/n- Who would you all like as the love interest for this story? Or would you prefer none?

Your group ventured further into the treeline, eventually being surrounded by the dense leaves and the thick shrubbery.

It was starting to feel suffocating.

You had no clear sight of anyone around you. Movement in the branches could be a harmless animal or a deadly tribute. There was no way that you were going to let your guard down anytime soon.

Peeta took the lead, thrashing his machete in front of him, clearing the leaves as you walked. You took the rear, ensuring that the rest of the group were safe. It was what the others wanted you to do after all.

As the walk continued, you found your mind beginning to drift. You were meant to be looking around you, but you found your eyes sinking to the ground and your mind went blank.

You wondered what the Capitol cameras were showing right now. Were any aimed at you? Surely they must be, with multiple record breaking victors in an alliance, it'd be the Capitol's wet dream.

"What's on your mind, eight?"

You look up to see Finnick had turned around to look at you. His face held a smirk, one for the cameras, but you knew he didn't mean what he said sarcastically.

You simply just shrugged, "Nothing, just keeping on guard."

He raised his eyebrows jokingly, "Yeah, because the floor is about to jump up at us and attack us."

He was playing for sponsors. The Capitol would've found that one funny.

You played along, shrugging innocently, "You never know, you can't trust anything in the Arena." You paused for effect, "Oh, except me of course."

"Very funny." Finnick smirked.

You both knew what the Capitol wanted. This would keep you alive. But for how long?

You turned back to walking, watching as Peeta marched in front. Katniss followed along but more elegantly. Just by looking at the way she moved through the plants, you could tell she was a hunter. So agile. So smooth.

You kept your eyes fixated on the girl, barely acknowledging the shimmering in front of you and just as the thought passed through your head, it was too late.

Peeta's body flew backwards, his muscles jerking and pulsating before he landed with a thud onto the ground.

Katniss immediately fell to the floor, her knees colliding with the damp earth around Peeta's limp body. She reached for his heart, looking up to you and Finnick in horror when she realised...

"He's not breathing!" She screamed, her face distraught.

Finnick didn't hesitate. He slumped down beside Peeta and immediately begun mouth to mouth. Katniss looked horrified. You rested a hand gently on her shoulder to show your support but in reality, you were equally as terrified. You couldn't loose Peeta. Not now.

You moved to lean down beside him, joining the authors in an attempt to bring him back. His heart had completely stopped.

Suddenly with a cough and a splutter, Peeta was startled back into life. He grinned, and you grinned back, relieved.

Katniss immediately pulled him into a hug, a kiss. It seemed they were more in love than you'd previously presumed. Maybe the 'Star-Crossed Lovers' wasn't all a show.

"Be careful, there's a force field over there." Peeta joked.

All Katniss could do was laugh.

The two hugged and then agreed that Katniss was to walk ahead to detect the forcefield. She said she'd developed a knack at it since the Capitol repaired her ear or something, you didn't listen. You just followed the group, grateful that you'd survived your first day.

Now night would be the problem.

A/n- Also, any Wattpad book recommendations for me to read would be welcome. I like the Hunger Games right now so any of them would be good but if any of you know any The Walking Dead or Maze Runner ones that'd be cool too. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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