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The next day, you were thrown into training before you'd properly woken up.

So, you stood in the middle of the training room lost in thoughts whilst the others went to find theirselves an activity to practise.

You couldn't help but wonder what was actually going on and why you had to make sure the tributes from twelve could survive.

I mean, you'd heard rumours of a rebellion but you thought it was just a pipe dream and now the others were considering a rebellion that's going to be broadcasted to the whole of Panem.

You could barely process the whole situation so you were surprised to find a kind eyed old woman tag at your sleeve.

She looked at you and it was almost as if she was speaking, "You're the one they told last night."

You give her a nod, not sure if you'd understood her gestures.

She dragged you to a table and began to teach you how to make fish hooks which was marginally interesting.

It probably wouldn't be helpful in the arena but you decide to play along, the old lady probably didn't have much left of her life and you were determined to make it nice.

As a matter of fact, you probably didn't either.

Either way, you found your eyes wondering over towards the two lovers from District Twelve.

They seemed to be muttering in hushed tones but the more concerning thing was they were staring right at you.

If they were talking bad about you, you try and guilt trip them by giving them the most friendly grin you could muster before turning back to Mags.

You manage to finish making your fishhook just as you feel a light tap on your shoulder.

You spin your head around quickly, you had to get your reactions up for the arena.

"Oh hey Peeta." You say, a little surprised it was him since you'd hardly ever spoken.

You glance behind him to notice Katniss striding towards you as well.

Peeta looks back as well and the two make direct eye contact with you which made you wonder if you'd done anything wrong.

"Last night we watched the videos of your games." Peeta says.

You feel your stomach flip, you didn't need to be reminded of that now.

"Oh." You say, ashamed of all the killing they've now watched you do.

You knew Mags had stopped spinning her hook to listen to your conversation.

"Yeah, it was pretty impressive so we-" Peeta begins but was already cut off by Katniss who spoke quite assertively.

"We want you as an ally."

The Youngest VictorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang