The Arena

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You flinched, covering your eyes. The light from the arena reflected across the water in front of you, temporarily blinding you.

Wait, water?

What was this arena?

You blinked, trying to gain your bearings.

You were stood on a pedestal in the middle of some sort of beach? The cornucopia rested in the centre, overflowing with all the deadly weapons you could imagine.

There were definitely more now than in previous years. I mean, it made sense knowing these people were all experienced killers. They'd want the best they could get.

Your knives. Yes. They were there. Perfect. And right in your sight too. The only problem would be getting across. You'd never learnt to swim, but surely it'd be easy? Right?

You glance across to look at the other tributes. Some were shocked, even scared. But others looked thrilled.

Finnick shot you a reassuring grin, the sunlight complimented his features perfectly. This arena was clearly his dream. You were glad he was on your side. And Katniss too, who looked disturbingly distraught. But she was focused, preparing to dive in.

The familiar pulsating of the clock brought you back into reality and reminded you that there was less than 10 seconds until the blood bath... how many would die? It was impossible to tell. All you knew was that you needed to get those knives, get Katniss, get Peeta, then get out.

And as quickly as that, the gong sounded.

You threw yourself into the depths of the water, its salty taste filling your mouth as you clawed to the surface. It was tough, different to what you expected, but you pushed through and after a few moments, you were storming towards the cornucopia.

Now that you'd figured how to swim, the opposing tributes were your greatest concern. You were an easy target in the water.. you needed to get out. Quick.

Pulling your drenched body from the water, you scrambled to your feet, charging at the knives. Within moments, you had them in your grasp. A sense of assurance filled you within but you couldn't afford to hesitate now.

A spear was flying towards you...

You ducked.

Shit. District 1.

You quickly grabbed a knife. Feeling its weight in your hands, ready to attack, only to notice the attacker jolt forwards. There was an arrow through her chest. A cannon went off.

It was Katniss. She'd saved you.

You sighed, relieved, before gesturing to her to move. She shook her head and replied, declaring that we needed to help Peeta. You nodded, clutching your knife and following her as she ran in his direction.

You gritted your teeth, sensing movement behind you. To your surprise, it was Finnick. You'd been extremely lucky so far, meeting only your allies. He gave you his winning smile before jogging towards you.

You turned to Katniss who had paused, her bow pulled tight, watching some movement in the water.

"Is it Peeta?" You asked, looking at the two men fighting.

She nodded, wincing, "I can't get a clear shot.."

Without a moments doubt, Finnick dived in, rushing towards him.

A cannon went off.

Katniss' face dropped. Shit. Was it Peeta.

Suddenly, a figure resurfaced and Katniss let out a sigh of relief. He managed a smile, shaking his dripping golden hair. He was safe. For now.

Finnick didn't waste a second and pulled him out of the water.

Together, the four of you, and Mags, made your way away from the cornucopia, hoping to take sanctuary in the tree line.

It was your best bet for now.

A/n- I love the comments, thanks :)

The Youngest Victorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن