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The next day, you wake up late.

You had to listen to your stylist's long and especially dull lecture about your costume for at least a couple of hours.

It was no wonder that you were tired.

Your mentor woke you up by tossing ice cold water on your face whilst you were sleeping which gave you even more reason to hate her.

You spring up in your sheets, terrified but when you realised it was just your mentor you couldn't help but feel reassured.

For a moment you had thought that you were back in the arena.

Back with Annie Cresta.

You rub your eyes as your mentor informs you that you needed to rush over to prep so you'll be ready for the tribute parade.

You pull on the first thing in your wardrobe, not caring because you would have to change into your outfit that your stylist had chosen.

You take the stairs down, it would be a good idea to get your fitness back up for the arena.

You glide your hand along the banister, accidentally bumping into the girl in front of you.

She had long blonde hair that hid her face and a muscular body.

You mutter a couple of words apologetically, but she didn't look in any mood to speak.

Instead she growled at you, making you trip up on the stairs and fall backwards.

Her teeth were clearly altered so that they were sharp, it made her look like a mixture of a vampire and a werewolf.

It looked terrifying and would definitely be an unfair advantage in the arena.

Content with your reaction, the woman smiled menacingly before continuing down the stairs.

You hold your head in you hands, worried about facing that one in the arena.

You were just about to get up when you heard a familiar voice behind you.


"Dead already Y/n?" He smirks at you playfully before offering a hand to help you up.

You reject it, climbing up to your feet by yourself.

"Just a jump scare." You say as you smoothed your clothes down, you were definitely not about to admit your weaknesses to another tribute.

"District 2?" He asks, already knowing what had freaked you out, "Yeah she's vicious."

You both laugh a little, using humour to escape reality as you walk down the stairs to prep.

The two of you chat about life for a little and realise that life wasn't particularly different for either of you.

You were both darlings of the capitol and were both young when you went into the arena which meant that your memories of killing your way to the top were all the more deep.

Finnick acted as if he wasn't that bothered about the killing but inside, you knew he was hurting at the thought of the innocents put to death at random.

"Well, at least this year it's only killers who will die." He says, making a fair point just as you arrive at prep.

You wave bye to Finnick with a grin on your face, feeling pleased that you actually had a friend here.

You were so happy that you span into prep, not worried about looking good at all.

However, that soon changed when you noticed the horrendous outfit lined up for you in the style rooms.

All you could think was about how were you going to get the public to like you in that ugly outfit?


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