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The Tribute Interviews came quicker than you expected. After almost a week of training, you found that you had gained several new friends. You weren't entirely sure whether it was because you were likeable or you were simply just a good ally to have. Either way, you weren't complaining... It would make it harder for them to kill you in the arena.

As your prep-team fitted your interview dress onto your body, you found your mind wondering back to Katniss and Peeta. Finnick and Johanna were right... it was so obvious now.

They were the ones that would change everything, I mean, they already had. They are the ones that must survive. And you would have to do anything to protect them. You were sure of that now.

"You look..." Your stylist stopped and stared at you, pleased with his work, "...simply breathtaking."

You smiled.

He had long-forgotten the fiasco with the orange dress due to your excellent training score of 11, beaten only by Katniss and Peeta.

Finnick and Johanna had said they'd only been scored so high so they'd become a target for people like Brutus and Enobaria in the career districts. They thought it was to do with the rebellion. However, Katniss told you what she did to the gamemakers and you figured it was more likely she just pissed them off.

Johanna had also warned that your 11 was a bad sign too. She reckoned it was from the dress 'showing unity of all districts'. You'd simply just smiled, reassuring her that the president surely can't let such a small thing like that get under his skin. But her face had gone an icy white. She thought the opposite.

Still you weren't complaining about that either, hopefully it would mean more sponsors.

"You're ready, darling!" Your stylist ushered you out of the room, leading you towards the interview hall.

Your heels knocked along the floor as your team walked you onwards. You were with your stylist, your mentor, your advisor and your fellow tribute. Once you'd come to a halt outside a big grey door, your mentor, stylist and advisor gave you a few words of encouragement before leaving you there to stand and wait for the interview.

You were wearing a shimmering green dress which wrapped tightly around your torso and flew out towards your feet. It was made up of a number of different fabrics to fit with the 'textiles' theme of District 8 which would usually end up looking tacky but this time... your stylist had really outdone himself.

It felt silly really. I mean, the capitals had probably spent more money making this dress than a family in 8 would have to feed themselves. You felt anger rise and you wanted more than anything to rip this dress off. It was unfair. But still, you had to calm yourself. It was almost time to go onstage.

Other tributes had arrived now and you were starting to form a line of districts. Johanna and her fellow tribute, Blight, stood impatiently in front of you. Johanna was dressed as a tree and you could tell she hated it.

You smirked, tapping her shoulder playfully.

"Looking stunning." You mused, still grinning.

"Shut up." She groaned, looking agitated yet still managed a slight smile.

"At least you're not dressed as Jesus Christ like Finnick is." You joked.

Johanna scoffed, rolling her eyes but you could tell she found your little joke hilarious really.

More time passed. You spent most of it talking to Johanna but still chatted a little to Woof from your district. He was quite annoying but it'd still be sad to see him go. He wasn't much but he was from home. And that was what counted.

It wasn't until Johanna had gone in for her interview that you found yourself looking to the back of the queue, looking for Katniss and Peeta. Your eyes widened when you realised she was wearing her wedding gown.

You frowned at first, thinking how cruel it was to make her wear the dress knowing that she'll never have chance to live it's reality. However, Katniss didn't seem so bothered, she was just chatting to Peeta quietly, probably judging everyone else here. You didn't blame her. There were some weird people around.

Suddenly, a security guard walked up to you, rested a firm hand on your back and informed you that you were next to go on. You nodded, quickly forcing a smile onto your face and stepping forward... ready to greet Panem officially for the first time all over again

A/n- I haven't written this in ages but I've noticed it's getting more reads due to Songbird and Snakes trailer and honestly the new film looks soooo good. I haven't read the book but I'm tempted to now. Hope u enjoy this book :)

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