Chapter 6: The Letter and the Only One to Read It

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"Hey whoever is reading this. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused. I only decided to write this explain myself a bit, so here it goes I guess.

I'm Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya, and I'm no longer alive. I couldn't take the stress, the pain, and the thoughts inside my head anymore. I tried to stay alive, even if just prove something. Just to spite the God that made such pain. I guess I wasn't brave enough to spite God anymore. Probably send me to hell for all the questionable jokes I make. Wait I got off topic. Anyways, I'm been put down my entire life. The people closest to me, my family, friends, idols. No one has ever believed in me, loved me, cared for me. I'm sick of it. I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore. He called me useless. He told me to give up. He told me to take a swan dive, so I did. He wasn't the only one. She never loved me. She didn't care about me. She wishes I was gone, so I am. And still, there was more. He told me I was pathetic for even thinking I could do anything. I would only ever get in the way. I couldn't do what I dreamed. I don't really have anyone to thank. No one to call a friend. No one that helped me through my though times or helped me live this long. It's honestly a surprise I lived this long, but I mean, I'm not alive anymore, so it doesn't matter I guess. I hope I get to be a ghost. I want to haunt people. I want to finally get the revenge I deserve. It might be selfish or rude, but they deserve it. So watch out. I gonna haunt the shit outta you.

-Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya

AN: Hey you beautiful losers!  I feel like this is really bad, but it's 3 in the morning so whatever. I don't really know how to write a good suicide note, sorry. Well I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight so I'm going to try to update at least one more time because this was a short chapter and I was planning on updating yesterday but just didn't.  I don't have an excuse, I just didn't I guess lol. Anyways, I hope you have a good day or rest or your day or whatever.<3

What's your favorite food?

Words: 411 :<

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