Chapter 20: I See Youre Still A Little Bitch?

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TW: Swearing, Bullying

Kaminari was exited for what was supposed to happen today. He still wanted a few more details though, so he texted 'Ku', as Kaminari calls him. Ku told him to stay after class, just pack a little slower, and he would tell him where to go.

Class was still going on, however, so there wasn't anything he could do about the questions going through his head. The questions that made him forget he was still in class. Well, it made him forget until he heard his teacher call his name.

"Kaminari" the tired teacher said.

"Yeah?"Kaminari questioned, not knowing what was happening. He definitely wasn't paying attention to anything that was just happening and he was sure everyone knew that at this point.

"Answer the question on the board." Aizawa said, pointed to the equation on the blackboard with a piece of white chalk.

"Ummm, okay well, 7?" Kaminari said. Well more like questioned. He could process anything with his mind all over the place, and he definitely couldn't do anything with the amount of pressure that had randomly been placed on him. It was obvious he wasn't paying attention and now the teacher had called on him to embarrass him.

"No, it's 248. You need to be paying attention more." Aizawa said dismissively. He went back to write the correct answer on the board as some of the class snickered at the electric blonde. The blonde in question put his head down in shame.

"Guess we know why they call you a 'dumb blonde'." Bakugo snickered.

"You're blonde, dumbass." Someone said. Bakugo, seething, looked around the class for whoever said such a thing to him. He classmates all burst out laughing. Kaminari knew that voice by now, and was grateful for a little added humor to his embarrassing moment. At least he wasn't the only one embarrassed now.

"Alright, quiet down. We need to finish this lesson before lunch, so unless you want to cut into you lunch time learning polynomials, you'll shut up and sit down." The class quickly quieted down after that, although Bakugo was still cursing under his breathe and a few people were stiffling their giggles.


After class ended Kaminari stared into space for a minute before snapping out of it and slowly packing up his things. He waited for 'Ku' to tell him what they were doing.

"I'll call you. Tell them you have to take a call and go to an empty classroom. I'll follow you and we can talk." He heard 'Ku' wisper to him. He slightly nodded, so no one but 'Ku' would notice.

Before 'Ku' got his phone he saw Bakugo walk up to Kaminaris desk.

'That's not gonna be good.'

A hand slammed in front of Kaminari, making him flinch at the loud noise. He looked up to see Bakugo fuming, basically foaming at the mouth at this point.

"I know it was you, dunce face. You're the one who said that to me in class, you useless bastard. You think you're better than me?" Bakugo seethed.

"What? No I didn't say that. Why-" Kaminari tried to say before he was cut short by a loud explosion coming at little too close to his face for comfort. It was loud and bright and gave him an immediate headache, making him back away.


At this point, Midoriya had had enough. This was the same shit Bakugo used to do to him, and now he'd doing it to someone else.

'He really hasn't changed, huh? Still an annoying jackass that torments people he thinks are lower than him. Ill show his pathetic ass." Midoriya though, now even more mad than Bakugo.

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