Chapter 50: When The Dead Dies (Epilogue)

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Momo stood slightly confused. She looked at the two friends, crying in each other's arms on the floor. This was supposed to be a good thing. This was supposed to be a happy thing. 

'So why are they crying? Why are they sad?'

She looked around at the guilty faces of her classmates. She looked at the redhead, the one who really convinced her this was what needed to happen. He looked strange. Pale, sweaty. He looked guilty.

'Why would he be guilty, if this was what was supposed to happen? Maybe it's because of the two crying on the floor. Maybe they don't understand either. Tha must be why they're crying'

She looked at the blonde, the one who brought this up. He looked happy, just like he said he would. Maybe happy wasn't the right word. His eyes were too sharp, and his lips were curved just a little bit off. No, he wasn't happy. He was smug.

And Momo realized she had been lied to.


Kirishima knew he was naive. He knew he was stupid. More than anything, he knew just how wrong this was. 

From lying and manipulating Momo to whatever had just happened, he knew his part in it was completely wrong. He should have been the one to point out the wrong, no encourage it. He should have found a way to help everyone. He should have been better. 

From the moment his best friend had told him what he planned on doing, he should have stopped him, should have convinced him there was another way. He could have, he knows he would be able to, with enough convincing. Thats what he should have done. Convince. Persuade. Anything but encourage. Like giving an addict their addiction and a thumbs up. Only feeding the flame.

He should have stopped it there, but he didn't. He let it go on. His friend said they needed to get someone else involved, someone who could help without knowing what they were doing, someone who could get them materials for what they needed. It was Kirishima who suggested their black-haired classmate, a classmate who could easily get materials for them. A classmate that just so happened to be very easy to convince, as long as she didn't know what was going on.

He looked over at her, in the midst of all the chaos going on around them, and with just one look at the boiling rage on her face, he knew she had figured it out. 

He switched his gaze to the leader of this plan, the one who had convinced him to do all he had done and saw the twisted smile on his face. He looked pleased, in a way. Pleased with himself, as he looked down at two of their crying classmates, the classmates they had just taken so much from. For a moment, just a single moment, he felt complete and utter disgust for the man who could look down at the mess he made and smile in such an evil way. The type of smile he had seen so many times on the faces of villains as they took innocent lives. 

But the disgust faded and all he could think about was the fact that he did all of this for a man who smiles like a villain.


Bakugo was proud of what he had accomplished. He had been able to get rid of the one thing that could ruin his future career in an instant, and it felt almost freeing. He watched the two on the floor, crying in each other's arms, with a crooked smile. He didn't care if these people were hurt in the process of his success. There were many more before them and there would be many more after. His childhood friend was one of the first. Now that he was fully gone, he could put his mind fully toward his Hero career. There was nothing holding him back now, especially since he's seen how far others will follow him.

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