Chapter 5

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Lillian was 15.

She remembered being rushed out of the class after the principal got a phone call from her father. Well that's a first, he normally doesn't reach out to her.

She was escorted into a hospital.

Hmmmmm. Looks familiar.

'Isn't this where your mother is admitted.' King said following behind her.

No wonder.

'Is she dead?' Amanda asked curiously.


"Aren't you curious why you are here." The bodyguard- that drove her here, asked.

She hummed. Neither denying nor admitting.

She overheard a conversation between her father and brother last month.

It went along the lines of having to pull their mother's life support because she is not getting any better. Her father looked heartbroken when he said that.

She soon reached the room where her mother was kept. Lillian has only seen her mother a handful times.

Everyone's attention turned towards her when she entered the room, she could feel the air around her turning tense as they looked at her. There was her father, brother, his girlfriend and her father's friend's family.

She looked around the room and the sat on the chair that was not occupied.

" must be my daughter." Laura asked looking genuinely interested and there was another emotion on her face. Sadness or grief.

"Yes." She said with a cold voice.

Vincent glared at her.

What else was she to say?

"When did you wake up?" She asked after a few seconds. Well she doesn't seem like she has just woken up....she looked...fresh. Either that or all the movies lied to her.

"Last week." Laura said nervously.

'Ouch.' Amanda said. Not liking Laura one bit already.

"I promise we wanted to call you but you had your exams and we didn't want to disturb you." Laura explained hurriedly, silently hoping Lillian didn't misunderstand her while scratching her neck nervously.

"Understandable." Lillian nodded her head, acknowledging her excuse though she was slightly surprised anyone knew she had exams.

'Why would she be distracted?' Amanda asked, perplexed.

'So she won't get excited.' King explained chuckling to himself mockingly, it wasn't long before Amanda joined.

It was unlike Lillian to be excited about something or someone in this case.

"Laura, how are you felling now?" A guy- about the same age as her brother- asked.

"I'm doing better, dear. Gosh you've grown into a fine young man." Laura complimented looking delighted.

Was she delighted that it's not as awkward as talking to her daughter?

"I'm so glad you're doing good. Your husband almost fainted from happiness when the doctor informed him about you. He ran away in the middle of a meeting. It was a sight." Carl said chuckling happily. The entire room except Lillian laughed, while Vincent scratched his neck with a red face, looking embarrassed yet lovingly at his wife.

'Damn. They all look so happy." King said apologetically.

Lillian hummed. Everyone seem so happy. Without me.

'Now don't you go there.' Amanda said sternly. 'They are just shitty human beings who do not know your value.' She stated crossing her arms over her chest as if to say 'fight me, bitch'.

"Lillian." Laura called out.

Lillian looked away from her phone and looked at her mother and raised an eyebrow.

"Now now now I thought I raised you better than that." Vincent said glaring at her, trying his best not to bite her head off.

'Yea, if you raised her at all.' Amanda scoffed.

"It's alright. I'm just a stranger to her. But we will change that." Laura said looking emotional, tears were starting to fill her eyes and her nose turned red.

"What do you want?" Lillian hummed and said, mustering as much emotion as she could but it still sounded cold.

"Would you like to give me a hug." Laura asked hesitatantly, spreading her arms out.

'Eww.' Amanda said, making gagging noises.

Lillian bit her tongue and obliged.

Laura patted her back and moved her hand back and forth before letting go.

"You're all so grown." Laura's voice cracked and she teared up once again.

Vincent looked at Lillian meaningfully and mouthed 'comfort her'.

"Yea." Lillian muttered awkwardly.

"Lemme go grab something to eat." Lillian said in a monotone.

Gosh this is so awkward.

Laura nodded her head understandingly though she looked devastated.

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