Chapter 60

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Riley entered her home only to walk in on her siblings of either sides- adopted and biological- smooching on the couch. Dramatically, she turned around and covered her eyes with her hand. "Ugh, get a room you too."

Startling the love birds apart. Lillian looked over her shoulders and at Riley with a blank face while Issac, on the other hand, looked annoyed.

"Technically, this is a room." Lillian said, making Riley turn around in relief- relief at not being subjugated to their public display of affection.

It was just weird seeing them get cosy with each other!

She barely digested the news of their relationship but this? No. Too weird.

"Hardly." She said, rolling her eyes.

"What have you been doing all this time Riley?" Issac broke the calm atmosphere and asked with a vein popping in his temple. Trying to keep his tone even and calm but the underlying anger can be detected miles away.

Riley's forehead scrunched up in confusion and tilted her head.

Well, she met with Vincent and then made assumptions with Casey but those things shouldn't be riling Issac up......


Issac breathed through his mouth. Seeing Riley look confused when she had potentially just messed up Lillian's life- was infuriating.

And that's how Issac ended up narrating the whole incident to Riley, for the second time of the day.

Riley staggered, with her mouth slightly ajar once Issac finished looking dumbfounded.

"So here I am, asking you again. What did you do that ticked him off?" Issac paused, ensuring Riley was listening to every word he was saying before he continued, and enunciated the words to get them through Riley's head.

"I'm so sorry." Riley apologized to no one in specific, shocked, leaning against the wall for support and clutching her head in another, processing what Issac just said.

She had never thought Lillian would be in danger because of her.

She thought....

Right, what was she thinking? They'd come after herself? While no one knows her existence? No one knew they were twins, why would anyone assume otherwise?

How could she have been so naive and unbelievably stupid?!

"It's no use apologizing." Issac huffed looking away, crossing his hand in front of him as he leaned against the back of the couch- that reached his mid back with Lillian sitting behind, watching the drama unfold without a reaction.

Riley nodded her head. Apologizing isn't going to better that situation, they have to think of a solution.

Who is the person that threatened Lillian's safety?

How did they know Riley was looking into them?

Did the doctor snitch on them? Riley thought biting the nail on her thumb in dismay.

Not likely. She thought dismissing the possibility. He seemed genuinely disturbed at having lost the baby, and if he did snitch then the guy would be threatening Riley not Lillian. The doctor didn't know Lillian!

"Who is he? If he made a threat then there could be a chance he's impulsive, if he's impulsive then putting him in a difficult position would be enough to get him to confess or whatever he is plotting." Riley had a glint in her eyes as she said it.

As much as she hoped her assumption was right, she also hoped it wasn't. While an impulsive person was easier to deal with, it also meant there would be a lot of blood shed involved. And she didn't want to put Lillian in more danger than she was in.

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