Chapter 70

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'I guess then I better check what Mackenzie has up her sleeve, then.'

Thinking to himself he used the number of Issac's elder brother on list of information he was given by Mackenzie, dialing the number on his phone he pressed the green icon and brought it closer to his ears.

To his delight he wasn't made to wait a long time before the other person picked up his call, answering him with a wary and curt 'hello'.

"What are your thoughts on a collaboration?"

"Who's this?" Steve furrowed his eyebrow as he looked at this father across the table with an alert look.

The person contacted him through his personal number that not many had access too.

"Call me your friend, call me your well wisher, but I prefer being called Jason. Mathews' the last name."

"Jason Mathews?" Steve tested the name with a perplexed tone.

What was Issac's investor doing calling him?

He could remotely make out his father mouthing said persons name with the same facial expression as his and mouthed him to put it on speaker.

"I'm largely interested in your astute nature and would like to invest in YOU." Jason ensured to enunciate the subject in a way to evoke curiosity and interest fron the listener.

"Me?" He asked, wryily.

His mother mother didn't look as annoyed as she'd usually be when he start talking about business during dinner, rather she kept silent and listened like she knew deep within it was something of great concern while his wife was busy keeping their child silent.

"You have what it takes to be bigger. Much bigger, and I have the just resources and right connection for you. If you continue on your path, acquiring whatever business that gets in your way, it will take you approximately 17 years to get to the top- considering you don't die during the period or get killed."

Steve's brows twitched slightly at the subtle threat and his lips twitched, threatening to break into an amused grin.

"But with my help, I can put you there with only 7 years. If there were no interventions."

The family of 5 listened to the man speak as the atmosphere in the room became dense.

The way he spoke the last sentence just didn't sit well with them. As if, he implied there would be some sort of interventions or distractions that they wouldn't like.

"So what do you say?" Jason asked at last.

With a light scoff Steve looked at his father before bringing the phone closer to him though still on the table.

"There's plenty, hence my cluelessness to where I should start from. So how about we start from, where did you get my number?" He marveled but when he reached the end after a slight pause the smile on his lips turned flat and continued in an austere tone.


The small sound from the other side was a clear sign of being caught off guard. "Issac wouldn't have given you my number, he doesn't hand out personal informations to just anyone, neither do I know anyone that runs in your circle. It's clear you invaded my privacy for your own benefit so why don't you be upfront about your true intentions instead of skirting around?"

"That's a lot of confidence you have in your brother." Jason choked back his surprise at the direct confrontation.

"You're evading."

Jason chuckled out. Not the 'this is funny' chuckle but 'this is so unfunny I want to throttle you' chuckle. "Just like you evaded a direct confrontation with your brother when he spread the word your lovely wife only fucked you to climb the social ladder." Jason taunted making Alice audibly gasp.

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