Chapter 58

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Riley stood outside Vincent's door, in a dilemma. If she knocked, that's set the tone to their relation. Whereas if she barged in, it'd imply she still felt comfortable enough with him.

She strengthened herself with a determined look before knocking on the door.

"Come in." Vincent called out, making the young women follow his instruction.

It was as if she could see clear after a long time. As if she was blind who had magically been blessed with vision. Everything was different then the way she had seen this room before.

The room that previously had a bit of warmth with an old man sitting in the middle with his head held up high in pride, did not have any warmth at all. It was just an illusion.

Her lips kicked up and she felt bitterness swirl inside her.

"What is it about Lillian?" Vincent asked before looking back at him laptop. He still couldn't digest the conversation he had with Lillian- if it can even be considered one.

He didn't know, but something was off. He just couldn't pinpoint what.

And not seeing Lillian was nerve wreaking to say the least, will he meet her again or will he not? He had to admit, he was relieved seeing Lillian after so long.

Riley gritted her teeth. How was she supposed to start?

"Your dad used to run a human experimentation program." Riley simply stated in an observant tone. She wanted to give him an impression towards where this conversation was leading.

Vincent froze. He looked up from the screen more serious than she had ever seen him, and had an overbearing gaze- that made her want to look away.

"Where did you hear that?" Vincent asked in a stiff tone. He had ensured that no news regarding that would ever be found out.

Atleast he wasn't playing dumb. Riley thought to herself, scowling internally.

"Does it matter?" Riley asked, rolling her eyes, sitting across him.

The older man narrowed his eyes, hearing her reply. Now that he thought of it, she appeared different. Different than the one he met 4 days ago. His brows furrowed as he tried to analyze his daughter, like how he would any other stranger.

"I suppose, it doesn't."

Riley turned her head with a scowl, trying to look for the diary so she wouldn't have to ask Vincent for it directly.

"What happened to it? After your father's death?" Riley asked, her eyes still wandering in search of something.

According to Casey, the lab was shut down after Vincent's father's death but there was no news about it's participants or workers.

Vincent wondered how someone can be so different in a span of 4 days. It was strange.

For a day she was like the teenager who used to live with them. And now she is the opposite.

A fake personality? But could someone fake it so good that their real self can't even be recognizable.

And Vincent didn't think anyone could fool him that convincingly.

Even if it was true, why show that self?

And he couldn't place his feeling, but he felt different with the women in front of him in comparison to whom he talked to the last time.

"If you knew it existed, you must know what happened to it."

Riley's lips kicked up in amusement. "What happened to the workers?" She asked, leaning forward and placing her hands on the table- intertwining her fingers.

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