Chapter 27

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"Would it be OK with you?" Riley asked Lillian.

She first made Lillian sit on a chair before she told her what she was planning to do.

"Sure." Lillian replied.

Riley heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her reply.

"OK so teach me how to be you. Yknow so I won't get caught in the lie."

"You don't have to. Just go to their house and say you are me and they will let you in." Lillian said getting up from the chair.

She can guess Riley made her sit down so she can calmly process the information, though her sister already knows that she won't have a big reaction it still didn't stop her from putting herself in Lillian's shoes.

"Riiight." Riley dragged out sarcastically.


"Hi, I'm Lillian." Riley said to the bodyguard standing in front of the mansion.

The guard simply stared at her coldly making her facepalm herself mentally.

'Of course that's how they'd react.'

"Also known as the daughter of Vincent." She revealed.

This is the worst plan, she started wondering why she even went along with it when the left side of the giant gate opened. The guard stepped aside and gestured her to get inside.

"Mr. Black will be away for the rest of the day and will only be back around midnight. He asked you to wait in your room for him and to not talk to anyone till then." The guard instructed her after he finished talking to someone through his earpiece.

Riley rolled her eyes, she wasn't the one that listens to anyone's orders obediently. Least of all the man that she detests.

She flashed him a smile and waved him goodbye before stepping her feet into the house she will be visiting for the time being.

'So he doesn't want me to talk to anyone, aye? Well let's see how that works out.' Riley thought to herself mischievously.

She walked into the house only to find out it was pretty much empty.

'Well I will talk to myself loudly then.'

"I thought you said you'd be back home late." An old woman said, coming out of one of the rooms.

The old woman stopped in her tracks when she realized it wasn't her husband that just walked in- but a total stranger.

Strange. Why does she find the stranger familiar.

"Hi! I'm Lillian." Riley said and waved at her with a shy smile.

The old woman gasped in shock and ran towards her with tears in her eyes.

Lillian was caught off guard when the old woman threw herself at her.

"Oh my god, I thought I lost you forever. Where have you been this whole time?"

Riley then deduced that the woman was Laura- her mother.

'I really should've asked for some photos.' Riley thought to herself mentally face palming herself.

"You might want to take a seat, this could take some time." Riley said.

Lillian had told her that Vincent probably haven't told Laura the real reason of her disappearance so Riley planned on using that to her advantage.

They both took a seat and Laura held Riley's hand in hers, afraid her daughter will flee if she let go.

Riley rubbed her hand over her mother's in a soothing way and looked at her with a lot of emotions. Regret, sadness and grief.

Riley felt bad about the lie she was going to say to Laura but it had to be done.

She knew she couldn't spend more time with them and only had time till she caught her kidnapper, if only the circumstances were different.

"Tell me what you know?" Riley took a deep breath and asked.

She wanted to know what Vincent told Laura.

"All I know is that you ran away." Laura said, her grip tightening.

Riley grinded her teeth at that lie. Fucking Vincent. How she wished he would just disappear. He ruined her sister's life.

"Well after I ran away I was in a car accident" She was stopped by a gasp and waited a few seconds to let Laura process the information "I lost my memories and had to stay with that family. They were really sweet. Then suddenly I remembered the place I lived in so I came by to say hi."

When she finished Laura threw herself at her and told her over and over again 'she can live here however long she wanted' and 'she missed her'.

Riley hugged her back. She felt bad about lying, she has never felt this way before. But knew it had to be done.

She couldn't just say her husband kicked her out, it'd hurt her. And Lillian said, 'If you hurt her, Vincent will kick you out'.

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