chapter 6

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Vincent followed her suit as she left the hospital room.

"What is the matter with you?" He screeched at her looking pissed.

Lillian turned to look at him and shrugged.

'Annoying peasant.' She thought to herself and mentally rolled her eyes.

"She almost died giving birth to you and lost 15 years of her life BECAUSE of you and that's how you treat her." He yelled at her emphasizing on 'because' and looked at her disgusted. He looked at her condescendingly as she stared right at him with her straight face.

'Does this brat even have a bit of an emotion? Atleast for her mother that almost died giving birth to her?' He wondered, making him even more mad than ever before.

'OK so?' She thought looking incredulous.

'He wants you to be sympathetic.' King said to her.

'Yea no.' She chuckled to herself.

"What do you want me to do." She asked in a monotone. Gosh she hated when someone tried to talk to her. She hated it even more when it was someone related to her.

Now it was Vincent's chance to look incredulous. He sneered at her and grabbed her elbow.

"Buy something for her too, it will make her happy." He said thinking about it for a minute,  looking intently at her, wondering where he went wrong in raising her. She seemed so cold, she wasn't that way when they last interacted with one another.

"OK." She said feeling a burn in her skin where he was touching her. Despite combining all the other times they've interacted, this was the most they've talked to each other.

He squinted his eyes at her trying to see if she was lying or saying the truth.

He then let go of her hand and pulled his wallet out giving her some cash, telling her what to buy for his wife, before leaving to accompany his wife.

'100 dollars.' Amanda cried in disbelief.


'More money for me. Yay!' She mentally did a happy dance before she walked to the hospital canteen.

Since it wasn't crowded in the canteen, which was rather sad, she reached the hospital room her so called mother was kept, pretty fast.

And tossed the fruit cake in her bed making her dad glare at her.

'Geez he really should stop before his eyes rolls out.' Amanda said snickering.

"How did you know this was my favorite?" Her mother gushed out looking delighted at the fruit cake in her hand, making her father look smug and happy.

He looking at her grinning from ear to ear.

"Dad talks a lot about you." She said before taking her seat. The first word leaving a weird taste in her mouth. Eww since when did she call him that. Hell this is the most they've talked since she could remember.

Laura looked at Vincent with a toothy grin feeling her heart melt. She may have lost 15 years of her life but that didn't mean her husband loved her any less.

Lillian made a gaging sound in her head looking at the 'lovely' couple.


Vincent barged into her room with a loud bang and looked at the room in disbelief.

"Can I help you with something?" Lillian asked still reading the book in her hand.

"Yea, why are you living in this place?" He asked in disgust.

"And what the hell do you think of yourself?" He yelled trying to keep his voice down, his eyes almost popping out of the socket.

She raised an eyebrow looking at him before shaking her head and went back to reading her book.

"Why would you be doing drugs?" He asked through gritted teeth, his veins popping out in his forehead. To say he was exasperated, was an understatement.

She heaved a sigh and closed her book and looked at him.

He held a tiny packet in his hand. It looked like some sort of a powder.

Hmmmm. That looks familiar. Where has she seen it before.

"Well." Vincent tapped the floor with his feet impatiently.

Oh yeah, it's Markus'.

"Not mine." She muttered before opening her book.

"Well then why was it in your room?" He asked through his gritted teeth angrily.

'Damn pal take a chill pill.' Amanda said bring a hand to her mouth in shock.

"How am I supposed to know." She asked uninterested feeling goosebumps rising on her arms as her heart beat increased.

"Do you know how your mother would feel if she saw this." He asked accusingly.

Like he almost wanted her to feel guilty even though she wasn't. And here he goes again with that mother shit.

Ever since her mother woke up its almost like only she exists and everyone should just carter to her emotional needs.

Atleast when she was in coma no one paid attention to Lillian now everyone seems to be paying attention to her.

Lillian made a voice in the back of her throat in annoyance.

"No." She said looking at him directly in the eye. Something he has gushed about in the dining table that no one can look him diretly in the eyes without fear.

Vincent gasped in shock. Not believing what she just said.

Gosh this impertinent child

"Get out." He said in a cold tone.

"OK." She whispered getting out of the bed.

He upper lip twitched in annoyance when he saw her do exactly what he told her to.

"You have an hour before your mother returns." He said before closing the door shut.

'Gosh we were so much happier when that bitch was dead.' Amanda said exhausted, slumping on the bed.

'She was in a coma not dead.' King said.

'Whatever.' Amanda muttered before rolling over the bed.

'Gosh dreaming is so fucking addictive.' Lillian thought to herself stuffing all her stuff in the suitcase.

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