Chapter 7

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Lillian left the place she lived in for the last 16 years and trudged down the street walking aimlessly.

She didn't have to worry about being homeless and destitute as she brought all her cards along with her. And if her father were to cut her off, well, then it's a good thing she transferred considerable amount to her account and not to mention she had made, and saved, a significant amount of money working part time.

Her father had given her credit cards and debit cards to use however she pleased after her mother woke up as a bribe, so she wouldn't tell her mother about his negligence.

Well it's a good thing they came in handy in her time of need.

As she walked across the road she felt someone following her. She turned around and looked behind her but she couldn't pinpoint who it was.

She was brought out of her reverie when someone horned at her, she turned sideways and looked at the car before grimacing and hurrying along off the road. 

'Well if it's who I think it is, then I have a plan.'

She thought to herself.

It wasn't the first time she felt like she was being watched and she has managed to capture a picture of her stalker.

Let's just say he wasn't the best stalker in the world.

She glanced at the building around her before choosing one isolated and gloomy building in the corner.

She walked through the building in a slow and steady pace without looking back as to not alert the person.

The person who was following her furrowed his eyebrows when he saw her entering the dark, haunted place and hesitated.

He has been following her for a year since they accidentally bumped into each other. Initially he confused her for his sister but the resemblance was just too uncanny to be a coincidence, so ever since then he has been following her.

Ohh and she could be his adopted sister's long lost sister that no one even knew existed.

Funny cuz he didn't even know his sister was adopted.

He hesitatantly placed his feet inside the gloomy place feeling his heart race.

He took in a few breathes before taking a few steps, feeling goosebumps rising in his feet with every step he took.

"Boo." Lillian yelled running towards him out of nowhere, with a scary expression making him scream and run towards the entrance but Lillian stopped him by grabbing his hand.

'This is the end. This is how I die. I didn't even finish my sandwich.'

He cried to himself felling his hand- the one Lillian was holdin- turn cold and legs jelly.

Lillian giggled looking at him.

He looked exactly like how he looked a couple months ago. Light brown hair but a little overgrown from their previous 'meeting'.

A few minutes passed between them before the stalker opened his eyes, slowly. A took a deep breathe before he turned his head around to look at her, his heart beat the only thing he could hear.

It was dark so he couldn't look at her clearly but he could see a shadow of her.

"Lillian." He breathed out looking relieved and bent forward placing his other hand on his knee, and took deep breaths.

Lillian hummed look at him with a small smile.

'Well that was fun.' She thought to herself.

The person turned to look at her and noticed a small curl forming on the edge of her upper lip.

He sighed out before he said with a lop sided grin.

"Gosh this is my first time seeing you smile and play a prank on someone. Though I've been following you for a year now." And confessed without even realizing it.

"Why were you following me." She asked nonchalantly.

He looks cute. She thought to herself. He looked like a scared puppy.

"You knew I was following you?" He asked- yelled- standing straight on his feet. And then realised he did confess to that and face palmed himself.

He noticed that she wasn't scared or terrified. Hell she looked like she was having fun.

A few more silent seconds passed. Her hand still holding his and tightening occasionally to remind him that. He could feel butterflies in his stomach from her hold. Not in a bad way but in a good way, a very good and  pleasant way.

"Come live with me." He blurted out, looking in her eyes.

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