Chapter 34

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"How do I look?" Riley's biological father asked, appearing in front of her. Riley could barely keep her eyes open as it was too exhausting to be with her biological parents when they were getting ready to go to a masquerade.

Her mother, mainly, was exhausting to say the least. Damned woman can never get tired of wearing multiple dresses! Riley was speaking from experience, her mother let her choose the best gown for her and Laura has changed a total of 10 dresses and she still was not slowing down.

Hell! Riley was getting exhausted from seeing her get dressed, though she had to admit she had a fine taste in gowns.

Riley lifted her head and gave him a glance before dropping her head as if lifting it was taking a toll on her.

"Nice. If only your inside was as nice as your outside." She commented before muttering under her breathe, which- she was sure Vincent heard. She had been taking jabs at him for a week. She reasoned with herself that Nancy was the reason behind Lillian's misfortune but when she went to her home and saw Lillian, she couldn't help but feel guilty at even having that thought.

Even if Nancy was the one to blame, where was Vincent when his daughter needed him? And would she have done it if he was just a little more attentive to her. And when she came here the following day she could only sigh in distress for longing to be a family.

Vincent furrowed his eyebrow but didn't say a thing before he went to his room. Her anger was justified in a sense, he thought. The one she trusted the most- her caretaker- ended up betraying her. He too would've been upset if he were her. Except his caretaker gave him nightmares that he still- sometimes- suffered from.

"How do I look?" Her biological mother squealed excitedly shoving the door open.

'How is she still so fucking energetic?'

Riley thought to herself feeling tired all over again.

She ended up wearing the dress she put on the 3rd time which Riley liked the least. She wasn't a fan of Golden, it blended with the skin and didn't make you stand out like she would've wanted. But it looked good on her, that she can't deny.

"Finally." She said with a sigh, her back hurt as she got up from the couch she was sitting on.

"That's it?" Laura asked in a fake disappointment.

"Bye mother. Bye father." She said before closing the door.

Now she had to visit her sister before leaving for the ball with her. Riley swore Lillian had the worst taste ever. If it wasn't for her, Riley wouldn't be surprised if Lillian showed up in jeans.


'Told ya.'


"It looks nice." Lillian said as she twirled to let her sister see the back too.

Dark blue jeans with a spaghetti black top that revealed her back.

"Well that's a good combo. But it won't do, hun." Riley sighed before she went to her cupboard. She loved dressing up but her time with Laura totally exhausted her, not in a bad way though.

"You OK?" Lillian asked her as she sat on Riley's bed.

"Yep. Just exhausted." Riley replied pulling out one of her gown. She had plenty of them, and she didn't have to ask her sister to know that she has none. Lillian never bothered about her attire or the way she looks, much to Riley's disbelief. She had to give Lillian a makeover and a whole new wardrobe for her job cuz Lillian's taste sucked.

"Wanna talk?" Lillian offered. Over the years, she had become really close to her twin sister. She wondered if she felt exhausted because she wanted to be closer to her biological parents without feeling guilty. She couldn't say about what her family would think but Lillian surely wouldn't mind if she wanted to get and be closer to them. But she will keep quiet as long as Riley doesn't bring it up. She didn't want to make her feel more bad than she already was feeling.

"Hmm. This looks pretty and suits you, try it on." Riley said with a grin holding a black gown.

Lillian sighed and took the dress.


The closer they were to reach their destination, the more freaked out Riley was.

"I can leave if it isn't a problem." Lillian said as the were 5 kilometer away from reaching their destination.

"No. It isn't fair. Just- I just have to breathe." Riley said taking fee deep breathes.

She was nervous. Nervous that she'd get caught- but that wasn't her main concern. She didn't want them to know about Lillian. Lillian wasn't good at confronting people and she didn't want to give them a chance where she will be at the receiving end of hatred.

Riley deserved it, not Lillian. Lillian was innocent in all this. She clenched her fists and she prayed to God her cover shouldn't get blown.

"Need a few more minutes?" Lillian asked, concerned. It wasn't visible in her eyes but she cared about Riley.

Riley shook her head and jumped out if the car. It was a big ball after all, no one would notice they look identical. They are wearing masks! And people with identical face shape do exist!

"You go first and I will follow in a few minutes." Riley told Lillian and gestured her to go inside.

"Message me whenever you want to leave." Lillian said, wearing her mask before getting out of the car herself.

"I have a surprise for you." Riley said hugging her sister, which startled Lillian but hugged her back nonetheless.

Lillian looked over her shoulders one last time before entering the giant hall.

People were everywhere! She finally managed to squeeze herself into a corner where there weren't many humans and sat down on one of the chairs around a round dining table.

During events like this people try to stand in the most crowded places to try and form connections.

After sitting down she started scrolling through her phone and occasionally glanced around, just to see whether anyone was approaching her.

She saw Riley entering with a man. She seemed like she was having fun. Lillian squinted her eyes to see who it was but couldn't really figure out since they were in a distance but he did seem vaguely familiar.

While she was trying to place a name on the man she didn't notice someone with a white mask appear out of nowhere and take a seat right across her.

"Hello, Lillian."

Lillian's heart skipped out of her chest at the voice.



Author's note

Hey guys! I'm back and wanted to let you know that updates will be more frequent from now on.

BTW any clue who the man with Riley is?

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