Bonus Chapter (Lillian)

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It was a rainy day then, Lillian had an important meeting she had to get too and her attendance was required. She wasn't keen on leaving him on his own since he still required help to go to the bathroom and back, but he persuaded her to go.

So it left only himself in the company of the ivy drip- that he still needed- and the horny pigeons outside the window.

His parents promised to swing by later that day, so all he had to do was wait for them to get him out of this free audible pigeon porn that came at the courtesy of the vip room.

How much fun was it!

But he didn't expect- nor for a second did he think- it would be Vincent Black that darkened his door first.

He didn't come in, like he was in a trance, like he was contemplating something.

Issac wasn't sure how long he stood outside his room as he only got a glimpse of his presence after the nurse redid his dressing and left his room.

An awkward feeling raised within him. Seeing the usually prideful man looking like he was being torn apart and put together and for the first time since he'd known his existence, did he look his age- or aged.

Wrinkles on his cheeks were visible from a distance.

"Can... we talk?" Vincent managed to ask, uncomfortable.

His breath got caught in his throat in pure shock but nevertheless he managed to give an affirmative.

That's how Issac ended up in the cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital. It wasn't a crowded day. Did everyone abstinate from injury that one faithful day so he can exchange pleasantries without any bustle?

For a long time- or what felt like a long time- there was only an icy silence that transmitted between them.

Issac didn't have anything to say to him other than gratitude, but Vincent looked like he had a lot on his mind and wouldn't begin in the near future.

So Issac was the first to cut through the ice. "Thank you for giving me yo- for your generosity."

'Thank you for giving me your blood' was what he was about to say before getting choked on the word. Vincent's blood ran through him. Swimming with him own. It evoked a strange feeling from him. An unsettling one. Like he could feel Vincent's blood move in his body, like he knew which blood cells were his and which weren't.

It bothered him and made him aware of things happening inside his body, which he normally didn't pay much attention too.

His average heart rate was 86 per minute.

"It wasn't only me." Vincent said, dismissively.

Well if he put it that way, Issac had nothing to be grateful for which made him breath more easily. And in a way, it kind of put him at ease. There was no more feeling of blood trickling down his veins in a slow and nerve wracking speed. As if he could distinguish the varies blood he received from everyone.

"Im not going to feign concern for your health, Issac King. She's.... been through to a lot. Can you keep her happy?"

'Been through a lot.' An admission that sent waves of pulsating guilt, his heart quivered. An admission he was forced to accept as his none other than his own fault.

"Life isn't just rainbows and glitters, I can't guarantee 100 percent happiness, it's been being there for each other and never giving up on each other. Being their reliable safe haven, dealing with with problems together. And if I had even the slightest but of doubt about it, I would have never pursued her in the first place."

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