Chapter 30

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It was almost three when Riley went back to the room. She checked her phone that was on the nightstand before slipping into the comfortable bed.

She saw Lillian sent her a couple messages and only then did she realize that she forgot to mention that she will be sleeping in her birth family's house.

Riley hurriedly unlocked her phone and sent her a voice message saying exactly that. Not a minute later Lillian messaged her back with an 'ok'.

Relief coursed through her veins and she released a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

'What are you doing up so late?' Riley messaged her.

'Kitty woke me up.' Lillian typed back.

Kitty is a cat that was adopted by Lillian as soon as they came back and settled into their new apartment.

Riley could've sworn that Lillian likes that damned cat more than she liked her and was left feeling envious of an animal that can't even talk. Not to mention that cat is demanding and one of the laziest creature to ever exist which needs to be fed every 5 seconds!

Riley didn't hate that cat she just didn't like feeling envious of a cat!

Before she could type anything, Riley yawned and realized how tired she was and decided to just end the conversation.

'Anyways good night. Feeling sleep  💤😴.'

'Good night. Sweet dreams.' Lillian typed back.

After looking at the message for a couple seconds with a look of pity Riley put her phone away. She had questions she wanted to ask but knew now wasn't the right time.

She knew that she will have to ask them, eventually.



"Did you talk to our daughter?" Laura asked her husband, looking drowsy in a hoarse voice, as soon as he entered their master bedroom.

"Yes." Came his short reply, he was still slightly mad from the conversation with his daughter earlier and decided to keep the answer short since he didn't want to lose his temper at his wife.

He loosened the tie around his neck as he thought about Lillian. She was a strange girl, she never once wore the fancy dresses he bought her even once before and always wore jeans, and now all of a sudden she wore one.

He almost forgot he even bought that dress. He remembered buying that and a few others so he could take her to a fancy restaurant with his friend's family but was left disappointed when Nancy told him that she wasn't interested in dining out.

He had even invited her to balls, family outings and all but since Nancy always told Lillian's answer was a 'no', he stopped trying. Why bother a girl who wasn't interested?

And now the same girl was accusing him of neglect and being uncaring? How dare she? He fumed.

He will admit he was neglectful when she was a child but when he wanted to fix that, she didn't even give him a chance. So is it really his fault alone?

"She looks really pretty, doesn't she?" Laura asked watching him undress with a wide grin. She couldn't stop smiling after the conversation she had with her daughter! She thought she'd never be close to her so it really made her happy when she saw how excited Lillian was to talk to her.

But it made her feel sad deep inside at having missed 24 years of her life, but they will fix that- after all, they have all the time in the world now.

"Yes. She has grown up a lot. She looks like you when you were her age." Vincent replied before getting in the bed and pulling her closer towards him. It was true, Lillian indeed looks like her mother when she was her age.

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