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"I've missed you so much, I was so worried about you" my mom sobs into my shoulders holding me tight in her arms and I rub her back to comfort her "I'm fine mom really and I'm here,"

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"I've missed you so much, I was so worried about you" my mom sobs into my shoulders holding me tight in her arms and I rub her back to comfort her "I'm fine mom really and I'm here,"

With the corner of my eyes I see dad shaking Devon's hand but the way he looks at Devon as if he wants to kill him. Mom pulls away wiping her tears and I move to hug dad "Are you really okay?" He asks and I nod "I'm fine dad I promise,"

I hear Devon behind me calming my mom down promising her that he is looking after me, I pull away from dads grip to look at them and she hugs him as well and says "I don't blame you son, these things happen,"

His face twitches when she calls him 'son'.

His eyes find mine and he gives me a sad smile "You two must be exhausted, I've arranged your room," mom says pulling away from Devon, and dad hands her a tissue wrapping his arm around her shoulder they head to the living room.

"Does your dad own a gun by any chance? Do I need to buy a shield or something" Devon asks stroking his jaw. I shove him by the shoulder playfully and he grabs my waist pulling my body against his he kisses the top of my head.

"Evelina! Devon!" Mom calls for us.

"Come on let's go," I take his hand and lead him to the living room. I haven't been home in a long time I don't even remember the last time I sat in this living room.

Devon and I sit on the couch that's and for some reasons he puts a gap between us. I look at the space between us hating it. I'm not used to sitting away from him on the couch, back at our home I'm always on his lap or we'd be cuddling.

"Tell me how's the shop going?" Mom asks breaking my thoughts. Dad makes a face when mom asked about the shop and Devon shoots him a glare. Shit this isn't going as well as I hoped it would.

"It's going well, I've got many custom orders and we are preparing a winter collection for Paris winter fashion week,"

"That's lovely, you should show me the designs"

"It always starts like that dear, it'll go well in the beginning and after a while everyone is going to forget her brand," Dad says while his eyes are focused on his tablet.

"Kevin! Don't say that to the girl don't ruin her dreams,"

"I'm being honest here, she should've stuck with her business degree and stepped up to help me," Dad fires back at her and I shift in my place uncomfortably looking at Devon who is expressionless he is thinking of something.

"Dad, I'm doing what I've always wanted to do and I'm happy" I say in a small voice afraid he'll yell like he yelled at me when I told him about how I double majored.

"Good for you, I on the other hand need to give all of this to someone worthy, I wanted to give it to you my only child, who is going to inherit this?" He says slamming his tablet on the side table next to the couch.

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