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Shit that hurts.

"Stop moving too much and it won't be as painful," Devon scowls from behind me and I cross my arms staring at our reflection as he brushes my hair.

Since the attack he has been so helpful, gentle and caring. No not since the attack. He has always been gentle and caring. Well except in bedroom activities, but something changed I smell something different. Beside of course the house has smelling like burnt sugar with slight cinnamon day after day after day. I would die to know how is it possible that Helena is yet to achieve the carrot cake recipe.

I watch Devon's eyes as they focus entirely on the task before him brushing my hair. I had my stitches removed this morning, and now I have bald spots beneath the many layers of my hair. It's a good thing that I have a long thick hair to cover the mess the doctor made. I'm grateful for what he did, it saved my life and all but seriously he needs hair-cutting classes.

The comb finally detangles my hair, and Devon's lips swiftly turn up in a mini victory smile. And he looks so edible.

Ok, I'm hungry. And not for food.

He looks so beautiful when he smiles, it melts my heart. He sits the comb aside on the table and says "Okay, we are done," our eyes lock through the mirror and I thank him, he kisses the top of my head his hands slides against my lower back, sending shivers up my spine.

We haven't done anything since the attack. And his small touches and kisses are driving me nuts. I don't know what got over him, why is he so scared of touching me suddenly?

Neither of us has been to work lately. We've been working from home, Gianina and I had hired new personnel to help us at the shop in taking orders and I would draw the designs from home and overlook what ever is needed.

As for Devon, since I'm scared of being alone at home. He decided to work from home as well, he spends a lot of time in his office and I hang out in there as well even though he is mostly making phone calls and is always on Zoom meetings, hearing his voice makes me feel safe.

Unfortunately, the person who attacked me wasn't identified, I had to get a new phone and it seems like I won't be getting my engagement ring back. I still feel guilty about it, even though Devon has stressed so many times the the ring doesn't matter as long as I'm fine, but it belonged to his mother, he was supposed to give it to his true love.

I always thought that after five years, he would marry again and give his new wife the ring. But now there is no ring. It feels weird not having the giant rock on my finger anymore. I still got my wedding band though since I wasn't wearing it on the day the attacked happened.

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now