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It's been 6 hours since Devon and I boarded his private jet to LA, and there is about 5 hours left to our arrival and Devon has been working on his laptop while I watched a bunch of movies

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It's been 6 hours since Devon and I boarded his private jet to LA, and there is about 5 hours left to our arrival and Devon has been working on his laptop while I watched a bunch of movies.

The flight attendant starts serving us dinner and Devon places his laptop on the empty chair next to him, we are sitting across each other like we always do whenever we get on his jet. I mutter a 'thank you' to the flight attendant and she excuses herself to take her break.

"Please tell me you are done with work," I tell Devon as I grab my fork and knife, he smiles at me and says "I'm all yours, do you want to go to the private room after dinner?"

I know his dirty mind is going places.

"I'm sore, so no more sex for you,"

He grins at me as he sips his whiskey "You kept asking for more dear, and I delivered you can't complain about it now," I cross my legs clenching my thighs feeling my arousal dripping, talking about last night does things to my core.

I clear my throat trying to find a new subject to talk about "How many times you've been to LA?"

He shrugs as he chews on his steak "Many times, we have a family home there, when I was young we used to go their for every summer break it was my mum's favorite place,"

I swallow hard this is one of the few times that he mentions his mom "Is your family home close to where my family lives?" I ask.

"Very close,"

"How come we've never crossed paths then?"

"We stopped going there after she died, father would send us to some kind of a boarding school during the summer break they'd have a program with many activities," His tone whenever he speaks about his dad is full of hatred it's like he is holding a grudge against him.

"That doesn't sound so fun," I say in a very low tone he smiles and says "On the contrary, since I had my brothers with me we made it fun somehow, we did a lot of crazy things the principle must've to called my father complaining about us a dozen times,"

I giggle imagining the young Enderson children fooling around "What about you? How did you spend summer breaks as child?" He asks and I bite the inside of my cheek trying to recall my summer activities "We went on a lot of cruise ships since my dad's company invested in them,"

When mentioning my dad I remember something "Right, I forgot to tell you that you might want to stand behind me when we arrive at my parents house,"

Devon raises an eyebrow, clearly confused he asks "And why should I do that?"

"My dad is not very happy with you at the moment, in fact since I was attacked he feels like you've failed to provide me with security,"

"I know he is pissed off, he called me a couple of days after you were discharged from the hospital,"

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