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A cool breeze caressed my hair, and I shivered, wondering if I should have tied my hair up for tonight

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A cool breeze caressed my hair, and I shivered, wondering if I should have tied my hair up for tonight. I was at Devon's house waiting for him to get ready so we could head to his family house where I would be meeting his dad and siblings for the first time. I rested my elbows on the balcony fence trying to remain as calm as possible. I heard the balcony door slide open and so i looked over my shoulder to find my very good looking fiancé fumbling with his tie.

I stood up straight and walked towards him and said "Loosen the tie you don't need it". His eyes scanned my body from head to toe "Black looks good on you" he commented as he took of the tie and shoved it in his pocket. I smiled and muttered a small thanks.

"Let's get going, we don't want to be late" he said as he turned around and entered the house I followed him shutting the balcony door and then followed him to his car on the way I grabbed my purse and coat.

We stepped into the car and he ignited the engine and started driving. The minute the car left the house I slightly panicked and asked "is your dad's house far from here?".

"Not really, it'll take us about ten to fifteen minutes to get there".

"You don't mind if I ask you random questions right?".


"Why now? Wasn't I like supposed to meet them before the proposal? What if they don't like me and don't find me suitable for you?".

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, he right hand landed on my thigh giving me an assuring squeeze making my heart pound hard against my chest.

"You don't have to worry about that dear, whither they like you or not. This wedding is happening".

The wedding is happening in 3 weeks. The days have passed so fast. Seems just like yesterday when Devon went to visit my parents in order to have their 'late' blessing. My mom of course wouldn't stop talking about how fond she is of Devon and how much my dad liked him. If only then knew that the son-in-law they have is only a temporary one.

Lately, I've been busy with the wedding preparations, decorating the store and moving my belongings into Devon's house. My head has been all over the place from thinking but right at this moment all I could think about is Devon's hand that was lightly placed over my lap. I had the urge to put my hand on top of his, but that would be weird right?

It's been so long since I've had any type of sexual intercourse and I've been craving to be touched. Devon's public kisses are obviously not helping as they keep me on the edge of my seat yearning for more and more. Even Gianina has noticed my frustration and even suggested that we should hook up to relieve some of my stress before the wedding day. She suggested it as if it's the most normal thing to do on earth. That woman is sex-crazy.

Cold fingers pressed on my chin and I've been snapped out of my thoughts "Speak your mind I am not used to having you silent".

Oh please stop torturing me with your voice and touches

"Nothing I'm just thinking about the wedding".

His hand left my chin and gripped the steering wheel again and I was finally able to breathe and concentrate.

"What about it?".

"Aren't you like nervous?".

"Why would I be nervous?".

"It's a big step you know? Like we are getting married for 5 years I'm literally selling myself to you".

His eyes suddenly were on me "Do you have any regrets?".

Biting my lower lip I shook my head and muttered a "no".

"Good" his eyes were back concentrating on the road ahead.

"I'll take a very short nap" I yawned pressing my head on the window closing my eyes.

"No you are not".

I raised an eyebrow "what do you mean no? I'm tired and I'll be meeting your family in a couple of minutes".

"That's precisely why you shouldn't be thinking of sleeping instead you should be entertaining me until we reach our destination".

I chuckled "entertain? I'm sorry where did it say in my background check that I'm an entertainer".

He cleared his throat "I meant talk".

I smiled at him and said "What do you want us to talk about?".

"I don't mind anything. You can keep on asking random questions like you always do".

"Well, I do have a question in mind actually" I crossed my legs biting the inside of my cheek "after the wedding where will we go?".

"You mean our honeymoon?".

I flushed my whole body heating "yeah that".

"You leave that to me I'd like to surprise you".

"Wait! So we are actually really going to spend our honeymoon like any other couple?".

"Why darling aren't we like any other couple? The media would be all over the place if we don't go on a descent honeymoon".

"But how are you planning to hide our bedroom arrangements from the media? Like if we go to say for an instance Paris and go to one of the hotels everyone would know that we are in separate rooms you know there isn't any type of privacy there".

"About that, we would be spending our nights in the same room I could take the couch throughout the whole trip".

"You plan to spend your once in a life time honeymoon on the couch?" I laughed.

"Unless you want to share the bed with your future husband?" He said in a teasing tone.

Wait what? He teased me? Like an actual normal human being would? And here I thought I'm marrying some kind of a robot.

"Cat got your tongue darling?".

Darling. Ugh the way he it rolls out of his tongue.

"Let's change the subject" I said licking my now dry lips.

My eyes scanned the surroundings as Devon drove into a huge gate "I thought you said ten minutes?"

"Did I? I meant like five".

A huge mansion lit up as we drove closer and closer. My heart beating so fast in my chest I clutched my purse trying to keep my breath steady. The mansion looked more like a castle. Did he fail to mention that he is royalty or something?

The car stopped in front of a long staircase leading into the mansion I suppose. Devon stepped out of the car first and came to my side to open the door for me. I stepped out of the car feeling the cold breeze. Devon leaned in and closed the door behind me. His heavenly scent surrounded me and all I wanted to do is pull him closer. I let my hand travel up his fancy coat and gripped it to pull myself closer to him. I pressed my lips against his for a second and pulled away terrified of what I just did.

I locked my eyes with his awaiting a reaction. Both of his hands cornered me between him and the car his palms pressing on the car behind me he kept stepping closer to me slowly. He lips grazed my earlobe "Evelina, don't make me lose control".

His hot breath fanned against my neck and I took the little courage I had and cupped his face in my palms letting my eyes meet his I whispered "What if I want you to lose control".

One of his arms wrapped around my waist pulling my body closer to his I let my arms wrap around his neck. He leaned closer capturing my lips with his. I let my hands burry in his soft hair as I moaned against him. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. Devon pushed my body backwards my back hitting the surface of the car, his teeth grazed my lower lip he whispered against my lips "The things I want to do to you".

"Well here comes the love birds" A voice interrupted us

Oh shit.

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now