Y/N's Backstory

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Y/n was a young child who loved playing in fields with their dog. A wild dog they named Jake, y/n's mother didn't allow them to have a dog, so y/n kept him a secret. Y/n's mother didn't approve of y/n going outside and told y/n to stop because it wasn't 'appropriate'. But, y/n being stubborn didn't stop, so they just decided to go out at night. 

 So every night around the same time their mother would fall asleep, 9:30. Then y/n would go through the back door and run through the crisp, cold, night covered air with their dog. They would always stay out until the sun rose, then they would sleep away the day. That was until y/n's mother suspected something was happening and stayed up later. 

As usual y/n went out side with their dog to explore the night. Little did they know their mother was close behind. With an axe in hand...

Y/N's POV:

I ran through the field, wind in my hair, (clothing of choice) flowing. "Come on Jake! Ha, good boy!" I smile as Jake runs with me. I ran a little and stopped to catch my breath, so Jake and I sat under an oak tree a little ways from home.

 Jake sat to my left panting, as I pick wild flowers that were close to me. I look to the sky, the stars twinkling and dancing freely. I wish I could be like that. My smile slowly dies as I think of my lonesome life. Mother never let me leave the house, not even to go to school. I was home schooled by our butler, Sebastian. He was a good guy, I felt closer to him then I did my mother. Nights like these I wish mother would just disappear. Maybe then I could live a free and unstoppable life. 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Jake barking beside me. I turn around, only to be met with my mother folding an axe to in her hand, Sebastian standing to her right. I attempt to speak only to lose my words. My mother speaks up instead. "You little BITCH! I told you not to come out here! Yet you DISOBEY Me!" she yells at me, I lock eyes with Sebastian, seeing as he was looking at me. It was like he was trying to tell me something... but what? "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!" she screams, throwing the axe in the process. I dodge it and it sticks into the oak tree behind me. "I will give you ONE MORE CHANCE!", oh no, "Either you kill the dog or I kill YOU!" I freeze... Why? Why is she so cruel? I once again lock eyes with Sebastian, "Master" he speaks to me, "do it.." do what?.. My body starts moving on its own, my vision gets blurry. I grab the axe out of the tree, turning to my mother who is fuming. I slowly walk to the dog. Sadness washes over me.. I swing, cutting into something.. But it wasn't the dog.. It was my mothers head. What?

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