~An unexpected visitor~

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 (6 am)

I start to awake to the sound of yelling. I jolted up and look around confused, I then realized where I am.. I'm home. I smile, until I remember the yelling. I get up and race to the door still holding my bunny plush. I swing it open and run down the corridor and back down the stairs almost tripping. I get to the bottom and search for the source of yelling, finally finding it coming from the ballroom. I hide behind the entrance and look inside, my eyes widening at the familiar figure standing across from my friends. It looks like the others had decided to sleep there last night and had a rude awakening by the figure. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I tuned into their conversation trying to remember where I knew the figure from...

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" Stu yells, standing in a fighting position, fist raised to the figure. The others look more calm, some not caring, others a bit intimidated but staying rational about it.

"I'm the current owner of this estate, and I must ask why you're here." The figure states calmly, I can't see their expression but from the way they said it I could tell they were bored and wanted nothing to do with my friends.

"Actually your quite wrong, our friend brought us here, because it was theirs you bastard!" Billy yells beside his best friend Stu. Some of the others nod in agreement.

"You must have the wrong house then. Because this house once belonged to my young master and their family. So I do believe you have the wrong house, or perhaps your friend is a liar." The figure says, I know now. I know who this is. And I need to take care of this before something goes wrong..

I stand up from my hiding spot walking up from behind the figure, him not noticing me yet. The others do though and give me a confused look. I simply smile at them and stop right behind the figure. "How dare you call me a liar Sebastian, and here I thought you loved me." I say, faking a sad tone. He turns around and glares at me, then seems to soften up at my appearance. "Hm, so it is you." He responds before getting on one knee and putting his hand over his heart. "Pleasure to see you again.., Young master." Sebastian says, looking at me and smirking. "WHAAATT??" The others scream...


After some explaining and understanding, Time skip to later in the day


"So your his master and he's your servant?" Chucky says nonchalantly. "Yeah, ever since I was a little kid." I say smiling, Sebastian nods in agreement. "So you were the person the police were questioning in the interviews after y/n Killed their mother?" Hannibal asks, "Indeed I was." Sebastian answers. "I think it's kinda cool that you have a butler!" Stu says to me, happily eating leftover pizza across from me. I look around and notice an absence of people. "Hey, where's Michael, Jason, Leatherface and Brahms?" I ask, "Oh, Brahms went into the walls, and the others are out either killing or setting traps in the forest." Freddy says, looking through the fridge behind me. "Yeah they thought it would be safer to set some traps in case any people try to sneak here." Billy says sitting next to Stu and grabbing himself a slice of pizza too. My stomach growls, alerting me to the fact I haven't eaten in a long while. "Master, would you like for me to prepare something for you to eat?" Sebastian says looking down at me, I think a bit before nodding. "Yeah, go ahead. Call me once your done, Oh and make some for everyone else if you can. It'll be lunch time pretty soon." I say looking at the clock once again, time being 11:39. "Where are you going?" Tiffany asks, walking in with blankets, assuming they were the ones used last night in the ballroom. I realized I hadn't given anyone rooms yet, I'll have to do that later. Tiffany snaps me out of my thoughts by poking me. "Oh, I'm gonna go look around for available rooms to give you guys." I say looking at her, she nods. "Where do you want me to put these blankets? We used them last night.." She says, Holding the blankets in front of her. "I'll take them, Sebastian can do laundry later anyway." I say smiling. She hands me the blankets and I walk off.


Smaller time skip, after you get rooms for everyone to pick. Time- 12:07


I walk down the stairs, notebook in hand. I had written room numbers down with everyone assigned to a different room. "Oh, H-hi y/n.." Brahms says coming out from behind a mirror on the wall. "Hi Brahms, what's up?" I ask turning to face him. "Sebastian s-says the food is done a-and wanted me to tell y-you." He stutters out in his childish voice. I smile at him, "Alright, are you gonna eat?" I ask, "U-uh, yeah but can I j-just get a plate to t-take back into the w-walls?" He asks shyly, fiddling with his hands a bit, "Yeah, I don't mind." I respond and begin walking with him to the kitchen.

"Oh, young master. Here, I already made you a plate." Sebastian says handing me a plate of (whatever you want). "Thank you, Sebastian. You are dismissed." I say sitting down beside Michael and Hannibal. I look around and everyone but Billy and Stu was at the table. Except for Brahms, he was in the walls. "Hey, where did Billy and Stu go?" I ask, "They said they were gonna get some stuff from the store. Don't worry, they wore disguises." Tiffany says, "Are we gonna have to sleep on the floor again tonight? Cause that shit was more uncomfortable than the beds at the asylum!" Chucky says looking at me, I look back at him. "That reminds me, I assigned rooms for everyone. They all have a bed and some drawers to store your stuff in. There's also a bathroom connected to each of them. So here, pass this around and remember your number." I say handing the pad of paper to Michael, he then passes it to Jason and so on. After half of the people have their numbers, I speak up again. "Also, If you need help unpacking or anything, just ask Sebastian. He can help with anything you need." I say smiling to everyone. "Well then, it's time for me to leave for bed." Hannibal says handing me back the notepad. "I guess you're right." I say yawning. I stand up and begin to take everyone's plate as they leave to their new rooms. I then write a to-do list to put on the fridge. It including laundry, dishes, and cleaning the house.

I walk to my room and shut the door, "Welcome back master." Sebastian says standing next to my bed. "Glad to be back Sebastian." I say smiling at him, before climbing into bed, too tired to change out of my clothes. "Get some sleep Young master." Sebastian says before tucking me in and leaving the room. I turn over and begin to drift off to sleep, happy I'm home, and with my childhood friend Sebastian. Now all I have to miss is Jake... Jake.

(Hope you enjoy the chapter!! :)

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