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(extra long chapter, sorry it took so long to post)

I run down the halls, blood dripping down my arms. Not my blood, but the guards. Billy and Stu close behind, following me to the equipment and property rooms. They need to get gear and weapons, while I need to lead staff and other by passers away from them. We get close to the doors so I take out both keys and waiting to give them to Billy, "Be careful, okay? Remember, stick together and no mercy." I say with a serious face. The duo look at me nodding. I open the equipment rooms for them and give them the keys. We look at each other once more before I take off running in the opposite direction.

I begin searching the halls for any staff. Finally finding a doctor looking person. "Help! Please!" I scream, holding my side and limping, "Oh my god! What happened, are you okay?" she says helping me stand up. "No, the was a fight a-and I was attacked." I say innocently, fake crying. "Here, lets get you to the infirmary. I'll get some guards to the scene and check if anything needs to be done." she says walking me to the infirmary, which was on the bottom floor, next to the security room, perfect. We get to the room and she sits me down on a bed. A few guards stand at the doors. "Okay, I need to ask you a few questions, is that okay?" She says, I nod in response.  "Alright, what room are you from and where did the fight brake out at?" she asks, "420 and at the west-bay therapy room." I say, the whole thing being made up, thanks to Hannibal's analyst skills, she believed it and told the guards in the room to go check it out with some others in the area. They leave us in the room, just me and her. She had cleaned most of the blood off of me by now, she looks around and begins to look confused. "You said you were attacked. But there aren't any scratches or cuts.." She turns to her table and sits down partially facing away from me. I stand up silently, grabbing a razor from the table next to me. "..Wait, you said the west-bay.. we were in the east.. Unless you ran all the way there... yo- you.." she slowly turns around finally realizes what she had done, "Bingo, Bullseye! You get it!" I say laughing as she looks at me, absolutely terrified, my eyes glowing a deep crimson color; along with my necklace, "Now, nighty-night bitch!" I slit her throat, still smiling as blood pours to the floor. She falls from the chair, dead. I walk to the mirror in the room, checking my appearance, noticing my discolored eyes. "Hmm, maybe a quick wash could help with that." I say to myself as I wash my face in the sink. Looking back, my eyes are normal again, then I see a door on the other side of the room. I hum to myself, walking and opening it, razor in hand. No one was in the room except for a sleeping guard in a chair, in front of hundreds of screens, each showing a hall or room from inside the building. I look at where everyone else was, seeing that they were traveling to the bottom floor,  disguises, weapons, and masks equip. I smile to myself as I unplug all the routers and screens. After slitting the sleeping guards throat, I hear him chock on his blood for a second before finally falling dead. I grab his radio turning it on and speaking into it, "Help needed on 3rd floor, West-bay. Fighting taking place. All units, respond to the area immediately." I say, turning off once I'm done. I hear the thundering off shoes going up stairs and halls to the west. Giggling to myself, I step out of the room, looking down the halls and walking to where I said I would meet up with the group once I'm finished. "Y/n, finally. You took forever." Chucky says annoyed, "Chucky! Be nice, their helping, unlike you." Tiffany says, she turns to me. Handing me a duffle bag with my name on it. "We found this when we were getting our stuff. We thought you might want it." She says smiling. I take the bag and unzip it on the floor. My hunters knife and outfits was in it. Along with a few valuables of mine; a necklace I got from Sebastian, Jakes collar and a photo of us. Sebastian had took the photo right after I had killed my mother, Jake was next to me and Sebastian was holding my bloody hand. The sun was coming up in the background, every emotion visible on my face, still processing the past, present and future in that moment the picture was taken. I smile to myself, remembering how much I had loved them both. I begin to wonder if their still there or not, hoping they are, but not sure of it. I set the photo down and pick up my bigger outfit. It was my outfit from the last time I had escaped from one of the other facilities. It was stolen from a costume store nearby- 

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