~A plan made well~

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(Time skip a few days- Morning at breakfast)

I give my food to Stu like usual, he smiles and thanks me. Everyone was conversating about roles in the plan. I was volunteered to be the bait and path maker. Billy and Stu were going to chase me and act like I was being attacked. This would happen once we got the equipment from the 'patient property' room. I had seen it on the 3rd floor of the building, close to where the therapy room was, along with the equipment room that supposedly has weapons which will be crucial in the escape. The others would be given weapons from the equipment room once I had been taken in by the guards and doctors, still acting as if I was hurt. This was plan A.. Then there is plan B, all out hell fire.. and then plan C, All murderer for themselves. Great plans huh? Yeah.. Hannibal didn't have much say in the plan as expected. Though there is still a chance we can all get out. And once we do.. if we do.. We will run for the hills and stay at my old house. With it being a murder house, I doubt anyone has bought it yet. Even if it was inhabited, then we can just kill them too. Our escape wasn't as planned out, but killing the authority seemed to be the only way out alive and intact, so it would have to do. I'm not planning on leaving anyone behind. Though I have only known them for a week or so, they feel like true family.. some people I can trust, people I can connect with, people I can care for... People I can find love in for once in my life. Leaving any of them here would break my heart, even if it's Chucky or Freddy, they maybe assholes but their still part of me in someway... 

Breakfast slowly can to an end. Meaning the only thing to do now was wait until lunchtime. Then we could start enacting the plan.. I begin to get anxious sitting in the therapy room, my leg starts to shake and I start to fidget a bit. I just hope this goes okay and no one gets hurt- "Hey, y/n. You okay? Your shacking.." Tiffany asks concerned, sapping me out of my thoughts, "Uh, yeah. Just a bit nervous about later.." I answer honestly, looking down at my hands, still fidgeting. "Don't be. You have us by your side. We can do this!" Stu says enthusiastically, "Yeah.. What will you guys do once we get out.. Any plans exactly.?" I say tears threatening to whelp up at the corner of my eyes. "Well I was planning on killing some more, you know maybe kill a family and take their home, or build a cabin in the forest, away from the towns." Billy says leaning back. "None of us really have a home to go to know huh? We need to figure something out before we get out of here. I would hate to lose connection with any of you." Stu says looking around, he locks eyes with me. Seeing the tears starting to roll down my face, he begins to panic. "Hey.. what's wrong? Are you okay?" He says in a sporadic manner, "I-It's just.. I *Hic* I wanted you guys to come with me.. *Hic* to my house in the hills.. *Hic*.. Its far from a towns and has beautiful fields.. please come with me..?" I say beginning to cry, looking down in embarrassment by my question.. "Well, seems like a plan then, I don't mind." Billy says smiling, Stu nods. Michael and Jason just give me a thumbs up smiling, Freddy and chucky seem to just scoff, but they agree as well. Tiffany, Leatherface, Hannibal, and Brahms say yes as well. I smile, wiping my tears away.

Soon after we had made our way to lunch, it was almost time to commence in plan A. Me, Billy, and Stu all nod to each other. Everyone else had already talked it out. We would be going to the shower rooms after this and that's when we start. I clutch a plastic spoon in my hand, choosing it as a weapon to start with. Figuring it's the best to do the job with, I tuck it into my shirt. The bell rings and the guards come to get us. 

Time seems to slow as I finally realize hat is about to happen. One of two things could happen... We either escape or get hurt and possibly killed if the plan fails. 

We walk the halls, making our way to the showers. My mind overstimulated, my heart racing. 

We make our ways to the stalls. The only two guards standing at the door, chatting. I slowly take out the spoon I had hidden.

Quietly sneaking out of my stall. The guard's backs facing me. The others watching me creep up on them. I raise my spoon, stick side ready to stab. Jabbing it down, I close my eyes. Feeling the blood start to rush from his neck, running down my hand and to my elbow. Dripping onto the floor. He falls to the ground. I look at the other guard, locking eyes with him. He opens his mouth to scream, taking out a gun. I jump on him and stab him before he could make a sound. He falls, me falling along with him. My arms go limp... I did it. I smile to my self, once again sensing the adrenaline I had once felt when had I killed my mother; my hands once again bloodied. My scenes kick in and I can feel my heart start to beat faster. Finally realizing that the others were ready to escape this place; I stand up, smiling, I face them and begin to run, Billy and Stu following...

It has begun.

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