~More Than Nightmares~

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(This takes place after you fell asleep, you arrived after they had served dinner, it was close to lights out. For chapter purposes its around 7:50)


The cold consumed me. My body freezes on the tile in the bathroom. Blood everywhere... That beautiful crimson color floods my sight, nothing but madness and insanity. My mothers body lays limb in the bath. The once pearl walls now splattered with my own mothers blood. But.. I wasn't sad.. No, I was over joyed... she...she's finally... Dead! I smile to myself as the sirens on the outside alert me I should run. 

I got up, my body feeling numb.. I go to move, but I'm grabbed by an equally cold hand. I turn to see the face of my dead mother a few inches from my face. I scream an try to run. But I'm held in place as she drags me into the bath with her. I thrash and kick trying to loosen her grip. But.. all I could do is scream.. Soon I'm being dragged into my mothers body. Her blood boils against my skin.. It hurts.. I feel like I'm dying.. the darkness.


I spring up, still screaming. It was one of those dreams.. But I'm still being held.. I start to scream again, taking short breaths between them, still thrashing and kicked I manage to wrestle free. I fall into a glass wall, my back hitting it. I look up to see the Dr. and one of the bigger dudes.. they were the one holding me.. his eyes, black holes... skin pale.. Creepy. 

Dr. Loomis begins trying to talk to me. "What happened? Are you okay? Do you want to have a therapy session? Wanna talk about it-?" The one Hannibal guy interrupts him, "-hold on now, they still need to focus and process what's going on, give them a minute." I look to him, slight tears in my eyes, I lock eyes with him, my body calms almost instantly. I begin remember what happened and the dream, as the big dude and the doctor left my cell. I take note of the blood on the sheets. Oh.. I'm bleeding. I look to my fore arms, nail scratches litter them, my hands covered in blood too. I must have had a memory nightmare.. I hate those.

I stand and walk to the bed sheets that were covered in blood. "wash theses" Dr. Loomis takes them carefully, "um- su..sure. Do you want a change of clothes?" he speaks, still unsure of my mental state. "Yeah" I states simply, before I walk to the corner of my cell and sit down.

He closes the cell door and locks it, then  walks to the other dudes cell locking it as well before leaving the room to wash the sheets. " Bad dream? I have those sometime." says the blonde boy beside my cell. "huh," I murmur, "Oh, sorry, My names Stu, Stu Macher. I am one of the ghost face killers, how about you?" he asks, "um.. My names y/n.. I- I'm just me..?" I respond confused. "Ha, nice name, Its unique. So what are you in here for? You look like a normal teenager." He askes again, Wow he asks a lot of questions, "I, um I'm here because I accidentally killed my mother..." he looks at me confused. By this statement the other patients were looking at me, listening to mine and Stu's conversation. Stu was about to speak when the guy behind me speaks up, "How do you accidentally kill someone?" he asks in dumbfounded tone, "we-well, I was holding an axe and was about to attack something else, but I accidentally stuck me axe in her head...?" I say, now confused at my statement itself. Stu laughs, "that's the best excuse I've ever heard." he says holding his stomach. "But it's true!" I yell defensively, "Yeah sure it is babe," the boy behind me says, "the name's Billy, then there's Stu, you know him, Leatherface, Tiffany, Jason, Freddy, Michael, Chucky- he's asleep, Brahms, and then Hannibal, you know him as well." He states, I look at each of the patients memorizing them as he points, Michael was the one holding me when I had my bad dream, "So your a (last-name), I remember seeing that name on a few signs around town, you must be rich-" I cut Billy off, "I was, until I was taken from my home.. I lost everything." I state, a bit sad thinking about it. "Well Brahms used to be rich as well until he was brought here, you guys are kind similar!" Stu says, smiling at his cleverness. I smile a bit at this.  I look at the Brahms boy, he looks at me before gingerly waving. I wave back. "Well, Darling, how are you feeling? Are you still bleeding at all? Those cuts look pretty deep." Hannibal asks me. "I feel calmer now, and no I don't think I'm bleeding anymore, this isn't the first time this has happened. I will be alright." I respond, "What scared you so bad that you had to scratch your arms that badly?" Freddy asks, "It was like an old memory.." I say. " what is 'like an old memory' mean?" Hannibal asks, "um.. well, It was an old memory but was made into a nightmare, or was like it was controlled by demons almost. Dreams about my past that haunts me.." I explain. "S-sounds scary..." Brahms says almost in a whisper, "Yeah it was, my dead mother was pulling me into her body, when I'm scared I try to hug myself.. that was probably the cause of the scratches. But it's over now, I'll be okay." I responded, Hannibal was about to speak again when Dr. Loomis walks through the door, holding my clean sheets and a clean change in clothes. "Here, I can take you to the bathrooms to change if you would like." He says. "Okay." I respond, the guards open the door and chain up my arms and legs, they drag me out of my cell as Dr. Loomis sets down my sheets. "Okay, lets go."

 They take me and I change quickly, wanting to go to bed. As they walk me back to the room I notice a pair of keys hanging on the guards pants. I attempt to grab them as we turn a corner, the guards jerking along the halls. I attempt to grab them again, Success. But, my hand hold the keys as I think of a way to hide them.

I fall down to the ground as the guards accidentally slip their grip off of me to grab the keys to the room door. I easily hide the keys in my shirt as the guys look for a pair of keys. "Shit, I must have left my keys in my room, do you have yours?", "Yeah here" the other one says handing him the keys. They open the door and grab me, packing me into the room. They drop me into my cell. " Lights out is at 9:30, it is currently 8:40, Get ready for bed! We will see you guys at lunch tomorrow at 6:30, then we have therapy sessions at 8:00. Okay goodnight everyone!" Dr. Loomis says happily. He and the guards leave locking the door back behind them. 

Jingle.. Jingle.. Jingle. I pull the keys out of my shirt holding then in my hand. everyone looks my way.. "Holy.. Shit. ARE THOSE THE GUARDS KEYS!?" Stu yells excitedly and shocked. "SHHHH, Fuck Stu shut up! This may be our only chance of getting out and here you are announcing it to the whole asylum!" Billy half whisper-yells, "Sorry.. It's just.. How?" Stu asks me confused. Everyone was interested in how I got them and how I was going to hide them. "Well, I snuck them off the guard and hide them in my shirt..." I respond to their questions, " And how exactly are you going to hide them now?" Chucky says, now awake due to the yelling, "Well my mother used to think this was gross but.. I say its useful.." I simply say, "What?" Stu asks, everyone was confused. I then lift the keys above my head, tilt my head back, open my mouth and drop the keys in. I swallow the keys. "What the FUCK!?" Freddy yells. "YOU JUST ATE OUR ONLY WAY OUT!", "oh shut up, I can regurgitate them you jackass. See?" I throw them up with ease showing them to him. "I- I don't- I'm going to bed.." says Freddy now grossed out. I swallow the keys again, "I'm going to bed too." I respond. I'll make a plan soon, but right now I'm to tired. "goodnight everyone" I say. Everyone says their goodnights before the intercom announces lights out and shuts off the lights. I quickly fall asleep, dreaming about tomorrow. 

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