~The Arrival~

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(Time 6:40)

I look out the window. The sign reads, "Smith's Grove Sanitarium".. Well today begins a new life in hell.

Hi, names y/n, I'm __ years old , and I am moving into a heavily guarded mental asylum. Sure, I've been to other asylum like places, like the "Childs Rehabilitation Center" and the "Trauma Relief for Kids" But I always end up getting kicked out. I have even been to prison before, but it always ends the same. I arrive, stay silent, people avoid me, then some jackass starts messing with me, whether it be the other patients or even the guards. Then, they end up with a missing limb or maybe a broken bone, what ever happens they deserve it. But now I'm being put here so I can't escape again, lets see how long that lasts.

We stop at the doors, the back hatch opens and I'm wheeled out. My chains rustle against each other. I'm met with a huge Victorian looking building. Ha, looks like my old house in the mountains... I wanna go home. I start to feel frustrated and sick as a doctor looking person approaches me along with two large men dressed in what looks like the clothing patients wear here. Are they patients or guards? The doctor starts to speak, " Hi there, I'm Doctor Loomis, I'll be your observer, I'll make sure you are comfortable here, may I know your name?" he then notices my mouth restrains. "Oh, here let me get that mouth guard off.", "No! They aren't safe to be around with their mouth guard off!", "oh don't worry I'll just have Michael and Jason hold them back!" he smiles to the two big guys, then at me. They start walking to me. Fuck, I'm gonna be sick... They hold my body back as the doc unstraps the mouth guard. "There you go! Now what is your name?" I think I'm gonna puke. Too late. I threw up near my feet, it gets on the doctors pants as well. I laugh a bit, amused at the face he made. "uh.. um- Okay maybe next time?" he stutters out, shocked by my display. The guys holding me start to almost vibrate.. are they trying not to laugh.? I begin laughing louder at this, my laugh becoming incontrollable. One starts to audibly laugh a bit, while the other continues to vibrate, this time holding his stomach. I think he's dyeing. Then I notice I'm beginning to tip over.. Ye my legs were chained up, I had no support now, my laugh dies down as I fall face first. "ow" Both the men are know laughing fully, I joined in.. Maybe this won't be so bad.

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