~Big bad...hell hound?~

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"YOU WHAT?!", everyone yells, them now being freaked out by the bone chilling howl. "Well Stu wanted to help the thing! I was just gonna patch it up and leave it alone..", Y/n said innocently. "What do you mean patch it up? What happened to it?" Tiffany asks now worried. "It had gotten trapped in one of the guys' traps, so I got it out of the trap and cleaned up the wound. It had got catch on the leg, so I made it a splint to walk with when it woke up. But Stu wanted to help it more so I came back to get the guys to pack it up here." I said calmly. "So.. the guys might be in danger right now?", Freddy asks, looking at me like I was crazy. "Oh, I forgot about that.., we should probably go help them-" I get interrupted by the back door slamming open.

We all rush to the door, looking at the scene in front of us...

The oversized canine was standing in the room, the door completely smashed off its hinges... and Stu on top of the canine, holding on for dear life with a terrified expression on his face. We all just stand and stare at him, to scared to get any closer. 

Just then Sebastian walks into the room to check what the commotion was all about. He get one look before turning frustrated. "Jake, What are you doing in the house?", he demanded, the poor animal seemed to wilt at the sight of Sebastian. Stu was finally able to get off as the animal was distracted. "Sebastian, you know this thing?", "It has a name?", "What is it, a wolf or a dog!?"

Questions were flying everywhere, Y/n on the other hand was left in their mind. 'Jake?' They thought through it. Jake, from what they remembered, was indeed white.. But they weren't over 7 feet tall! Sebastian did call it Jake... "Jake? Is it really you?", I cautiously walk up to the enormous beast with my hand out. The thing looked at me for a bit before it's tail started to wag viscously. My eyes lit up with joy, "JAKE!! IT IS YOU!!", I cried as I hugged him the best I could. "You know it too?!" Chucky says, "It doesn't surprise me at this point.." Freddy says face palming. "I'm so glad your still alive!.. But what happened, why are you so big.." I say backing up a bit. "Master, Jake isn't some normal dog. I found out he's a full blooded hell hound." Sebastian said calmly as he walked up behind me. Then I realized everything I have simply forgotten; They guys are still somewhere in the forest.. And Jake is still injured. "Stu! Where are the others?" I say turning to him worriedly. "Oh, their okay. Don't worry, this..'Jake' started to run off when we had tried to pick him up, so I jumped on him." Stu says smiling. "Okay.. Jake is your leg okay?" I ask, not really expecting him to be. But when I had inspected his hurt leg, it was perfectly healed up. "Wow, how'd you heal so quickly?" I asked confused, "Since, he is a hell hound he can heal 50 time quicker than any other animal." Sebastian responded. "That's so cool!" Tiffany said, she then ran up to Jake and began playing with him. Jake wagged is tail happily and licked Tiffany all over. I decided to join in with tiffany and play with Jake, so did Stu. Brahms and Hannibal just observed from the background, while Freddy and Chucky went somewhere else.

After sometime Michael, Jason, and leatherface finally came back to the house. They were okay, just a bit bloody, most likely from Jakes injury. After cleaning up they went back to whatever they were doing before the whole situation. Though, Jason seemed fascinated by Jake and decided to play with him with us.

(An hour or so later, now about noon)

I stopped playing with Jake after a while and decided to get something to eat, since I basically haven't eaten anything in the past month or so. 

Looking in the fridge, I was deeply disappointed to find absolutely nothing. Then I looked in the cabinets, draws, and pantry only to once again find absolutely nothing to eat. I, now sadden by the fact there's nothing to eat, walked my way to Sebastian who was sitting on the couch drinking tea. "Sebastiannnnn!! THerEs nOthIng To eAttTt!!" I cried folding over next to him on the couch holding my stomach. "Then go to the store and get something I can fix for you. There's a store not to far from the main road. Here's some money." He said sipping his tea and handing me a stack of 20's. My eyes widen and I just freeze for a moment before walking off. 

I make my way to Hannibal, him being in his room, thinking he would be the best person to take to the store since he looks relatively normal. "Hey Hannie, wanna go to the store with me?" I said smiling, sitting on his bed. "And why should I accompany you to the store?" Him seemingly being agitated by my playful nickname for him. "Causeeee, you look like a normal human being, plus you look like you'd be smart with money." I say holding the money out to him. "Fine, just give me a minute to get ready." he said sighing. "Okay!" I said grinning bigger now, as I skip out of his room and close the door. 

(Few minutes later, Y/n took a shower and changed out of their killer clothes)

"Y/n, you ready?" Hannibal says walking down the stairs towards me. "Yep! Lets go!" I said running to the door. "Where are you all going?!" Billy asks from the couch, Stu, Chucky, and Freddy sitting next to him. "We are simply going to a business to retrieve items for the kitchen." Hannibal says, "Wow, dumb it down for me Einstein." Stu says, "We are going to the store for food." Hannibal says a bit fed up again. "Little simpler please." Stu says again, "Us go trade monies for stuff to make your tum-tum stop growling." I say in a baby-voice. "Aaaa.. Okay bye." Stu says turning back to his card game he was playing with Chucky. "What the fuck..." Hannabil says before opening the door and walking out. I laugh and follow him out to the car. We both get in, Hannibal deciding to drive. 

(After driving a store)

We park in the parking lot and get out. Medical masks covering out faces just in case of being recognized. We get inside and begin looking for some stuff to feed everyone. 

After about and hour of collecting meals, we finally get to make our way to the check out section. As we were walking someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face them. "Excuse me, uhhh human? Have you seen any of these people?" A police officer asked holding up a picture with all of us on it. "U-um noo, I don't believe I have..." I say, starting to freaking-out. "Are you okay? You seem a bit stressed.." The man says as he looks at me. Just then his eyes widen, he looks at me then at the picture, then at Hannibal, and then back the the photo before grabbing his gun out of the holster. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND GET ON THE GROUND!" He says screaming and pointing the gun at us, "Please! This has got to be a misunderstanding!" I say starting to cry, scared that we will be taken back. "I suggest you put that gun down sir.." Someone says from behind the officer. POW. He tries to turn around but is shot before he can make it. His dead body drops to the ground and blood begins to pool around him. That's when I look up and see... THEM.

(HIIIII, hope you enjoy this chapter, its a bit all over the place but you get the point ':) anyways love you guys!! thank you so much for the support and the help!!! :)))))

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