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'CRUNCH'... Blood scatters the ground, tears begin to roll down my face. Slowly I look up.. Billy was okay, but the guard.. was dead and currently being eaten by what looks like a bigger version of a wolf. Billy crawls over to us and away from the creature. "What the hell is that?!" Billy whisper yells at me, "I.. I don't know..." I respond, just as confused as him. Yelling could be heard behind the creature, then gun shots sound out. We get up and run away from the scene. Half way through the building we hear a howl and running. We make it to a door that says exit. We get out and caught our breath for a few minutes, then look for a parking lot, finding the one in the back. "Uh, finally, I thought we would never get out of there." Freddy says, sirens being heard in the distance and inside the building. "At least no one was hurt right?" Hannibal says, and everyone nods. "Lets go get a car before it starts getting to dark out here." I say, still spooked from what had happened. We look for a bigger car through the parking lot, finally deciding on a black van that had bars in the windows. "Do you think one of these keys are for the car?" Billy asks holding the keys up, "I doubt it, there's hundreds of cars here, it would be ironic for it to actually work. The best we can do right now is to just hotwire it." I say, opening the door. "Does anyone know how too?" Stu asks, "Yeah, I've had todo it a few times before. Move aside." Chucky answers pushing me out of the way. "Now, lets see. This goes here and then- there" He says fiddling with the wires before the car roars to life. "Okay, lets get going." I say, opening the side door for every one to get in. Hannibal gets in the front as I make sure we have everyone. I walk to the passenger door and climb in. "We have everyone now, lets go." I say, putting on my belt.

 Hannibal starts to drive, exiting the place. The forest surrounding us, the dirt road rough. It was calming, finally getting out of the place, out of government control. I close my eyes, thinking of what I'm going to do when we get to the house. Then it hit me.. where was the house again? "Hey, does anyone have a phone by chance..?" I ask, looking back at everyone, "Yeah, I do, why?" Stu responds. "I want to look up directions to my house." I answer. He hands me the phone, I turn it on and look for a map app. After finding it I start searching around the town I came from. The town looked like it did before, though I never really went anywhere out side the house, mother didn't allow it. But that never stopped me before. I smile to myself and start looking for houses in the area....

'Demon-house' That's what it was labeled as. My house was now known as the freaking 'Demon-house'. I stare in confusion for a few seconds before clicking on the link. An article was pulled up, pictures of that night were shown, my picture, my mother's, and Sebastian's was on there. One line read, 'During questioning, houseman states it was self-defense, the bloodied house however said otherwise...' and another said, 'Mother found dead in bathtub, but the weapon and possible first hit was out back near the forest. Daughter, butler, and a dog was found inside. The daughter was in the bathroom with the body, not responding to police questions. The girl was put into a police car, the butler was questioned...'. I just stare again for a bit until a bump in the road snapped me out of it. I jolted upward, looking around. We were now on the highway, "You okay?" Hannibal asks, not taking his eyes off the road, "Y-yeah I'm fine.. I found directions, here." I show him the map, the house having a red marker on it. "The demon house? What kind of name is that?" He chuckle for a bit. "It was because of the murder scene, the article said they think it was a possession; and that's why I killed my mother. But honestly I don't even know why I did it..." I look down for a bit, rethinking the night it happened. "Hey, its okay. Most murders don't need a motive-" Billy says, "Yeah, we learned that along time ago." Stu interrupts laughing. Billy hits him in the back of the head. "Well, there was a motive, kinda. I hated my mother, and she told me to kill my dog or she would kill me. But, I blacked out and it just happened, my mother was dead, you know?" I respond, deciding not to think about it. "I guess." Billy says. The car was quiet for a bit before Freddy started talking. "Can we stop at a fast food restaurant or something? We have been on the road for like, ever!" Freddy says, "Its been 30 minutes, how is that long?" Billy said, now irritated. "True.. but can w-we get something t-to eat, Please?" Brahms asked quietly, "Sure, what do you guys want to eat?" I answer, not wanting it to be turned into another fight Freddy and Billy like to have. "McDonalds!", "Hardees!", "Taco Bell!" People screamed, I sigh, "Tiffany what do you want to eat?" I ask, feeling as she was the most responsible and calm person right now. "How about a pizza place? Its cheaper and it can feed more people." She responds, "Of course! Is everyone okay with that?" I ask looking around in the back, a few nods and a few yeses go around, "Alright, the nearest pizza place is 'Zona's pizza' It's about five minutes off exit 74. So it will only be a few minutes until we get there." I say, making sure Hannibal knows which exit to get off on. It was starting to get dark, the street lights began to come on. My worries start to fade away as I think of going home. Happy to be with my, chaotic but still, bestfriends.

(Sorry this took so long to post, school studies and projects had me cornered. But I promise to try and post as soon as possible to make up for it. Love all you guys!! :)

~Asylum~ // {Slashers x reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن