1) Tea Talk

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By now Hiro has been waiting ten minutes for his cocoa.
Which is quite a lot considering the café is usually known for their quick service. However, they had been experiencing staff shortage for a few weeks now, due to recent events. Concluding in Hiro doubting that he will ever get his cocoa today.

He looked out of the window to his left, in order to avoid the conversation at his table. Which he wasn't successful with, as he realized to his disappointment.
The other two were just talking way too loud.

"What do you think about that love?" his brown haired boyfriend asked him without caring if he might be annoying to the albino.

Hiro wasn't in the mood to talk, not here. He loved that man, but whenever he talked to that girl Hiro felt like they were making fun of him.

"Mmh?" Hiro asked as symbol that he wasn't listening. He didn't even turn his head away from the window to look at his boyfriend so he could show the least interest he could.
The other boy sighed loudly in annoyance. Now he would have to explain the topic they were talking about in order for Hiro to understand his question. Sometimes he really hated how apathetic Hiro could be.

"About the attacks, you know what I mean:
Mrs. Hargreave's farm, the northern fields and even parts of the harbour in the west. What do you think about it?" he asked with a shimmer of fear glimming in his green eyes.
Hiro finally turned around and looked at him, confused by a ridiculous question like that.
What did he expect him to think about that? Except how horrible it is that his hometown has been under obnoxious attack since weeks.

"Nick..." he started, while trying to figure out how to say his planned sentence in a kind way. After all, he was talking to his husband and the one thing he didn't want to happen, was to make him feel bad by letting something mean slip out.
He knew that Nick struggled with a constant fear of being alone and unloved.

"It would be quite helpful, if you wouldn't ask your question so obtusely," he said with a voice that he tried to control as much as he could, yet the moment he spoke, he realized how annoyed he actually sounded.

"It would be quite helpful, if you'd express yourself in an understandable way," Nick said annoyed as well. Not annoyed because he had to talk, he loved talking. He was annoyed because his husband always said unnecessarily intelligent things that nobody could understand. He clearly spent too much time reading about how to be an adequate teacher.

"I said the same thing," he explained. "Just a little bit smarter," he said with a grin that he didn't care to hide, once he noticed Nick's upset Face.
His grin slowly changed into a little smile out of admiration for his husband.
He enjoyed teasing Nick for not being as smart as him.

However, Nick didn't enjoy that as much, which concluded in said person trying his best to not hit Hiro on the head.
Although, even if he would do it, it would be more some kind of bonking.

"What I mean is, how do you judge the situation? Do you think it'll stay with the three attacks or do you think there will be even more? Or it'll even end in a war?" he explained his thoughts while struggling to stay calm. This topic freaked him out, but not knowing what would be happening next was even worse.

Hiro thought about Nick's question.
He had asked himself the same thing after the first attack around six weeks ago took place.
Back then he was convinced it would stay with one attack because he had thought it was more of an accident. The entire country hasn't been at war for 200 years due to a certain protection system.
But when three weeks later the second attack happened, he had lost his hopes.

He looked deeply into Nick's eyes. Those shiny, emerald green eyes were desperately waiting for an answer and before Hiro could fall into their trance, he started talking.
"I sincerely hope that these three attacks were the only and last ones," he said with a calm voice which was a little bit too close to breaking.

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