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His skin as white as the snow
his parents are running in.
His eyes as red as the blood
his parents are laying in.

The woman viewing the kid below
She had just orphaned his poor soul
Violet eyes piercing so
Ignited by fear of her foe        

His innocent eyes with a red glow
Raising towards her ever so slow
A feeling of frost was in overflow
But he didn't dare make a blow

Her hair the color of mud
Flew in her face by a windy flood
Swiftly the hair was tugged
As slowly stepping closer to the lad

No cry, no laugh; No soul in his gut
A monster, after all not so odd
She knew she had to follow her plot
None shall know; lives had to be cut

Standing before him in jittery
Looking down at the being who dies
Ready to take him out of his misery
Lifting her dagger as high as her lies

Closing her amethyst eyes
Preparing herself for witchery
She embraced the dark knife
To finally impale the infant's body

But something in her thinking -
Pulled her back.
Finally she gave up on fighting -
Her feelings, but not fully yet

She had understood his threat
But she couldn't cease the surviving
Yet why she couldn't attack
She would never be knowing

Accepting her failure, she left
She fixed her hair, willing to forget
She couldn't kill but could neglect
Just left him freezing to his death
Nature will obliterate and redirect


Magic has ConsequencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz